The bamboo watering system.

July 17, 2004

We have progressed tremendously with the implementation of the bamboo watering system, which involves several steps: collecting bamboo, getting it cut, de-corking the pipes, painting them and finally placing them in the ground.  The entire project has cost us nearly nothing to implement ($6). We collect the scrap bamboo from local construction sites and them transport it to the lumber yard.  There it gets cut into the correct size pieces (20 inches or so), one end cut straight across and the other end cut on an angle. The diagonal cut enables the pipe to go in the ground easier and directs water closer to the roots of the plant.  After the lumber yard we lug the bamboo pipes back home for the next step.  The inner cork of the bamboo is removed and all the pipes are painted allowing easier recognition in the field. Currently we have placed over 150 pipes in the ground.  The Jorge Lomas Casas site is completed and I expect to complete two other sites this coming week. The new system made watering this week much more efficient.

We have also accomplished a good amount at the greenhouse.  We are taking inventory, which constitutes organizing the trees by species and size. Throughout the process, we have been transplanting some seedlings into larger containers (two-liter plastic soda bottles). Nearly all sixty plants have been  transplanted to date. The Fernan Sanchez we transplanted a few weeks ago look wonderful.  They have adapted to the new homes well.

Planet Drum house attended a community meeting on  Wednesday night. After the meeting we invited everyone upstairs to see our living space. They were so excited to come inside and have coffee and tea with us.  Many children joined us as well.  Some of the little boys played on the computer while others with some arts and crafts.  Two boys wrote on our whiteboard, “La mayoria de la genta estaba con ustedes.” which translates into, “The majority of the people are with you.” How amazing is that?!

I have made a new contact with a family that lives in Jorge Lomas just across from our hillside site. The man of the house has provided water for us and his helping hands the last several time that we have been there.  I discussed with him the idea of us purchasing water and  storing it somewhere near the two sites for future use.  He agreed that this would be a good idea and is willing to allow us to store it at his home. 

Christina and Celena are doing great.  They are both hard working, proactive, creative individuals who have  taken sincere interest in our projects.  Christina is considering pushing back school this fall until the spring and continuing on here!   Celena is enjoying herself as well.  They both have taken it upon themselves to make some improvements around the house. 

I set up a meeting with Marcelo and Juan Carlo to discuss the seed bank project. We are holding it at the office on Tuesday.  In preparation for the meeting I asked everyone to do some initial research. I am spending the week-end going through all the information I have to see what is useful.

I wrote the advertisement (click to see it.)  for recruiting a volunteer to implement the bioregional education program.  I will post it once I edit it.

Every day seems the same in regards to weather, cloudy and cool in the morning with the sun coming out in the mid-afternoon. It did rain a few times over the past two weeks, although not nearly enough to combat the parched earth.



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