
Raise the Stakes #29: Raise The Stakes Anthology I: A Deep (ecology) Breath Before 2000

By Planet Drum Staff / January 1, 1999 / 0 Comments

“A Deep (ecology) Breath Before 2000”: Celebrate 20 years of Raise the Stakes with an inside view of the history of the bioregional movement. A Deep (ecology) Breath Before 2000Raise the Stakes Anthology I Editorial Articles Cultural Critiques Issues/Insights Life-Place Education Organizing Bioregional Groups PoetryYou Can Say That, Duncan McNaughton, Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & […]

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Raise the Stakes #28: Reinhabitation or Global Monoculture?

By Planet Drum Staff / March 21, 1998 / 0 Comments

Reinhabitation or Global Monoculture?Postcards from the Underside of the Nagano Olympics EditorialA Global View from a Desert Mountain, Heather Abel Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles Announcements Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReadsReviewed by Michael Phillips Reviewed by Jean Lindgren Reviewed by Sabrina Merlo ReelsReviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Seth Zuckerman Green City Report by […]

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Winter Olympic Action
Guard Fox Watch: 1998 Nagano Japan

By Guard Fox Watch / February 18, 1998 / 0 Comments

Communiques 1998 Guard Fox Watch is bioregional activists in Japan, who provided an alternative view of the Winter 1998 Olympics at Nagano. Guard Fox Watch Statement I, February 4, 1998 Statement of Concern Regarding the Ecological Impact of the Nagano Winter Olympics (Globalist Games) The ecological impact of the upcoming Winter Olympics in Nagano has […]

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Bay Area Permaculture Guild: Shasta Bioregional Gathering 5

By Planet Drum Staff / December 1, 1997 / 0 Comments
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Capital Press: Klamath River Interests Pool Ideas

By Planet Drum Staff / September 19, 1997 / 0 Comments
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Times-Standard: Shasta Gathering Looked at Change

By Planet Drum Staff / September 8, 1997 / 0 Comments
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Shasta Bioregional Gathering V (Humboldt Coast)

By Planet Drum Staff / September 7, 1997 / 0 Comments

“Restoring Watersheds, Communities & Ourselves” September 4-7, 1997 (Thursday thru Sunday) Location: Humboldt County.  Sue-meg State Park (formerly Patrick’s Point State Park), within traditional Yurok/Karok land; near Eureka, just north of Arcata, California.  “The host Six Rivers area of Shasta Bioregion possesses a wealth of advanced ecological programs and activities, knowledgeable professionals, and highly dedicated […]

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Highlights From the SBG Gathering

By Annie Pyatak / September 7, 1997 / 0 Comments

            This year’s Shasta Bioregional Gathering provided a chance for long-time bioregional activists to assemble and a platform on which young enthusiasts could express their ideas. The featured events were a vital mix of the practical and the spiritual, emphasizing the fact that it will take a great deal of physical,  mental and emotional work […]

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The Spirit of Restoration

By Freeman House / September 6, 1997 / 0 Comments

            The great thing about watersheds is that they are the visible and sensual containers of our collective being. That visible and sensual part is very important. It’s really very hard to find ourselves in the trophic levels and energy exchanges that have come to define the ecological sciences. Watersheds are something we experience. We […]

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The State of the System

By Bill Devall / September 4, 1997 / 0 Comments

            A natural system has semi-permeable boundaries that are constantly in a state of flux and flow. It is valuable to investigate the overall health to indicate how an ecosystem is affected by various human and natural activities, and to help humans understand the intricacies of the natural cycles that surround them. A “state of […]

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