Camping at Punta Gorda Nature Reserve

We took a weekend excursion to camp out at the Punta Gorda Nature Reserve, which is owned by long time friend and environmental collaborator Ramon ‘Moncho’ Cedeno. Ramon has built a cabin and campsite on a hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean surrounded by isolated and relatively intact Dry Tropical Forest. The reserve is located in the middle of the Cordillera del Balsamo Biological Corridor and the only way to get there is along the beach at low-tide.
We arrived in the afternoon and got to swim in the ocean before setting up camp. That night we cooked a big dinner at the cabin and then had a bonfire on the beach. The next morning after breakfast we went for a hike through part of the reserve. Along the hike we heard lots of birds, saw a Coati, and recognized a large number of native forest trees and plants, many of which we grow at the greenhouse.
After lunch and another swim in the ocean, we returned to Bahia. Spending a night in the woods was a great way to relax from the bustle of the city. Thanks to Ramon for hosting us!

On a nature hike through the Punta Gorda Nature Reserve with Ramon (left).
Posing in front of a large Ceibo tree at Punta Gorda.
Relaxing at Ramon’s hillside cabin at the Punta Gorda Nature Reserve.
Clay takes a swing.

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