Eco Ecuador Bioregional Education

2002 Kristen Ford: Report #2: “Several hundred bags of seeds”

By Kristen Ford | October 19, 2002

Kristen FordPlanet Drum Volunteer Chris and I have been working on the apartment like crazy. Now the entire main commons room’s walls are painted except for right as you come up the steps. We have been continuing to collect tiles and advice to begin work on the mosaic that I was talking about. I have been concentrating a lot of energy on generating support from […]

2002 Kristen Ford & Chris Haaf: Report #1: End of the Week

By Kristen Ford and Chris Haas | October 5, 2002

Kristen Ford and Chris HaasPlanet Drum Volunteers  It has been one week since Peter and Judy’s departure to Guayaquil. I figured that today would be a great time to send my first report.  This week has been full of successes. I spent quite a bit of time at the compost patio in Fanca getting to know the workers there better. Cesar, the older man, has […]