Eco Ecuador Bioregional Education

A painted stake for every tree planted.

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 23, 2010

Feb.1-23, 2010 Welcome to the heart of the rainy season. There’s been precipitation during multiple nights of the week for the past month. Sometimes it comes down quite hard (nothing extreme yet, fortunately) and other times it lightly sprinkles throughout the course of the night. A light rain that lasts for a long time is considered the best. If it rains too fast, the soil […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Producing Bioregional Presentations for an Open House at School – Paola

By Paola Divito | August 3, 2009

Paola’s Report #4 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 Week of Aug. 3, 2009 – English Photos below   I had no idea what it meant to have an “Open House”, which is what all three Bioregionalism classes were scheduled to have this week. At our Monday meeting, I was told that it meant that each class would display a poster board at their school and explain a […]

Bioregional Sustainability Institute (BSI) Progress Report

By Clay Plager-Unger | July 29, 2009

July 2 & July 29, 2009 In one long epic day we drove in to the Planet Drum land with a load of Bamboo (Caña) to begin the first structure for the Bioregional Sustainability Institute: a tent platform. This was the first trip with a motorized vehicle. Chino (the one and only, the incredible) drove his full-sized diesel truck. Along the way we cleared eroding […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: The Watershed & Adventures in the Mud – Paola

By Paola Divito | July 20, 2009

Paola’s Report #3 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 Week of July 20, 2009 – English   Photos below It was 3:05 pm as I pedaled my bike hurriedly towards the park. All I need to do to find my class is to look for the big cluster of light blue T-shirts. There is a usual spot we meet at, but the kids seem to have slowly gravitated […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Dry Tropical Flora, Native Trees & Watering Them – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | July 3, 2009

Ramon’s Report #4 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 July 1 & 3, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below This Wednesday, as always, Franco was the first to arrive to class. Once everyone was there, we played a game called EL BUM. For every multiple of 3, you have to say the word “bum;” for example: 1 2 bum 4 5 bum and so forth. […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Games, Land Ecosystems, Hiking & Ecological Reserve – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 26, 2009

Ramon’s Report #3 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 June 24 & 26, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below We started a new week and this day we had to read and analyze a new theme called Land Ecosystem. As usual, the first to arrive was Franco and Luis David; coincidentally the two who cause the most trouble throughout class. One by one the students […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Beaches & The Ocean Interacting with Humans – Paola

By Paola Divito | June 12, 2009

Paola’s Report #2 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 June 11 & 12, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)  Photos below This week, instead of 18 kids, I had class with only ten, which felt significantly mellower. Although I knew it was relieving, without the usual boisterous bubble that we interact in, I felt a bit of an emptiness, surprisingly. The kids explained to me that their […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Steps to Protect Our Bioregion – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 29, 2009

Ramon’s Report #2 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 27 & 29, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below We started class at our usual time of 3:30. On this day, our main objective was to understand the steps we must take to protect our bioregion. The kids were divided into three groups to review and analyze the main topics. Each group had to choose […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Excitement Sharing Information/Stories & View from the Lookout – Paola

By Paola Divito | May 22, 2009

Paola’s Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 20 & 22, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below I was greeted with an immediate huddle around me when I arrived for class at the park; the usual “Senorita! Senorita!” followed by a ton of questions about what we will be doing and where will we be going. It’s a bit of a chaotic manner to […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Environmental Projects & Bioregional Objectives – Fabiola

By Fabiola Coello | May 12, 2009

Fabiola’s Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 12, 2009 – English (Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below May 12 Objective: We started by reading an article by Peter Berg, the founder of Planet Drum; and learned about the main objectives of a bioregion and the different themes within each. For example, farming shrimp in the estuary and how it has affected the estuary’s ecosystem as […]