
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

2008 Bioregional Education Class: Transportation, Gardens and Sustainable Planning

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 6, 2008

Ramon’s Weekly Report #5 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2008 June 4 & 6, 2008 We began class with everyone sitting in circles in the park. The work for the day was to cover the following themes: modes of transportation, education and culture, gardens, green spaces, and sustainable planning. Raisa led the group discussing modes of transportation. In this group, Jessica commented that the principle contaminants that […]

El Agua es vida.

By Clay Plager-Unger | June 6, 2008

May 26-June 6, 2008  Summary: Many volunteers depart as their time runs up, leaving us with few hands. The paperwork piles remain high, ranging from visas to Bioregionalism Education. Jaime keeps things in the field under control. On Monday the Planet Drum volunteers took a tour of Rio Muchacho Farm to get to see dry tropical forest permaculture in action. I on the other hand […]

2008 Bioregional Education Class: Steps to Protect our Bioregion

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 23, 2008

Ramon’s Weekly Report #4 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2008 May 21 & 23, 2008  Everyone arrived in the park on Wednesday afternoon, including a Planet Drum volunteer from Japan, who introduced herself as Fuki. I asked Frank for his homework. He turned in the map of the miniature bioregion of his neighborhood. He  lives in San Vicente and drew trees, bird nests, his house, and everything […]

Scavenging for plastic bottles at the local dump.

By Clay Plager-Unger | May 23, 2008

May 12-23, 2008  Summary:  A good volunteer force and enough rain to keep us from full-time watering allow us to make some real progress on site maintenance and in the greenhouse. On Monday we split into groups. I take some of the volunteers to water the trees at La Cruz and then take a neighborhood tour, collecting discarded three-liter bottles along the way. Jaime heads out […]

2008 Bioregional Education Class: Mapping the Bahía Bioregion

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 16, 2008

Ramon’s Weekly Report #3 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2008 May 14 & 16, 2008 We met in the city’s central Manuel Nevarez Park as usual on Wednesday. The objective of this class was for each student to draw their own map from scratch of what they think the Bahía bioregion looks like. I began by asking the students questions about what composes a bioregion. I asked […]

Signs of wildlife.

By Clay Plager-Unger | May 12, 2008

April 28-May 12, 2008  Note: Click on photos for larger picture    Summary: It rains over the weekend!  New volunteers are showing up and we get to put off watering for another week.        On Monday I spent a final day editing the Bioregionalismo booklet. Jaime went with Sam to the greenhouse and they planted more Pechiche seeds, transplanted more Jaboncillo, Pechiche and Cabo de H seedlings, prepared another couple seed […]

2008 Bioregional Education Class: Characteristics of a Bioregion

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 9, 2008

Ramon’s Weekly Report #2 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2008 May 7, 8, 9, 2008 We met in the park as is customary and with the help of Raisa and Roberto, began to study the newly-revised Bioregionalismo booklets. The first topic was the different characteristics of a bioregion. The students split into groups and I asked them questions about what constitutes a bioregion. Carlos said soil and landscape, Joao […]

2008 Bioregional Education Class: New Bioregionalismo Booklets

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 2, 2008

Ramon’s Weekly Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2008 April 30 & May 2, 2008 On Wednesday we began a new year of Bioregional Education in Bahia. The class consists of 15 new students, ages 12-15, accompanied by three graduates of last years advanced Bioregionalismo class, who will be volunteering as class assistants (Raisa, Lissette and Roberto). In the first class we handed out the new  Bioregionalismo booklets, 36 […]

Bioregionalismo booklet for Ramon’s class.

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 25, 2008

April 16-25, 2008  It’s been a relatively quiet couple of weeks. The single volunteer Sara was replaced by Sam. Fortunately the workload hasn’t required more hands. As May approaches our numbers will be bolstered by some new arrivals. On Wednesday the 16th of April the finishing touches on the Astillero site were completed. Each tree has a nicely shaped bowl around the base for watering and […]

Just shy of 1,900 native trees strategically planted on the hillsides.

By Clay Plager-Unger | April 15, 2008

March 31-April 15, 2008  Hello again.  It’s been awhile since I’ve written a report.  Starting now, reports will be available on a bi-weekly basis.  As always there’s been a lot going on.  Every day is a new adventure at Planet Drum Ecuador.  The biggest recent change has unquestionably been the weather. By all accounts the rainy season is ending and the long dry season is beginning.  There is still an occasional […]