
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

On the Way to a Road

By Peter Berg | March 12, 2007

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Whenever I return to Ecuador the first real taste of the country is the Guayaquil bus terminal (terminal terrestre). Serving the biggest city in the country, it feels like the commercial district of a uniquely busy small town of its own because there are thousands of people and hundreds of seemingly permanent features such as import and export delivery businesses, vendors, […]

Eco-week festivities coincided with Bahia’s Carnaval.

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 23, 2007

February 17-23, 2007 Now that all of our planned new sites for the year have been planted and the rains have been keeping up a semi-regular basis, we’ve been able to devote most of our energy to the Eco-week and local community activities. Unfortunately we had to make it through this time with only one volunteer; it would have been nice to have some more […]

Planting saplings in a late rainy season ahead of dry season.

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 16, 2007

February 10-16, 2007 Although the rains have ceased since the initial few days of rain we received, only teasing us with an occasional sprinkle, we continued to plant our sites. At a certain point you have to plant no matter what. Once it gets too late in the season it’s not worth planting anyways since the trees don’t have enough time in the ground before […]

A marathon of reforestation.

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 9, 2007

February 5-9, 2007 We began the week with a downpour on Sunday night and what was likely to be the commencement of the raining season! The “festival of nature” as it was described to me by an eco-amigo. Since we needed to wait for a few of days of hard rain to begin planting—the earth needs to soften up a bit before we can transplant […]

8th Anniversary of Eco-City Bahia: Schedule of Activities

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 5, 2007

Date Activity Place Participants 01/12/07 Fixing up the park in the Fanca Neighborhood Entrance to Fanca Friends of the Eco-city, Sucre Municipality 01/16/07 Painting, watering, planting Entrance to Fanca Friends of the Eco-city, Sucre Municipality, local students 01/19/07 Collecting Mangrove seeds Beach in San Vicente Friends of the Eco-city, local students and volunteers 01/23-26/07 Painting a mural Fanca Friends of the Eco-city, Sucre Municipality, local […]

Eco-amigos plan for eco-week in Bahia’s 8th year as an eco-city.

By Clay Plager-Unger | February 2, 2007

January 29-February 2, 2007 Did I say that we were waiting for rain? In fact it is the rain that is waiting for us. We prepare our seedlings, tend to the greenhouse, turn compost, and water trees, and yet somehow we are not ready because the drought continues. What we are lacking in preparation is a mystery to me, but we are not waiting. In other […]

Bioregional Course completed, plans to begin again in May.

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | January 26, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Bioregional Education Report January 24th, 2007 We met in the Manuel Nevares park and sat under a tree. We began to have dialogue about everything we’ve learned in this class and the importance of being able to create a bioregion education class. I told the students they need to take advantage of all the information I have taught them. I also explained that […]

Collected a couple of sacks of Terremonte leaves for compost.

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 26, 2007

January 22-26, 2007 We are still waiting for rain. Locals say that when it doesn’t rain until February, the rains hit all the harder. We’ll see. An occasional shower has allowed us to avoid having to water some days, and the delay in the real rains has afforded us more time to further prepare for the planting in the wet season. But at this point we’d […]

Bioregional classes collect mangrove seeds alongside ‘Manglar Beisbol’ baseball team for youths who gather seeds.

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | January 19, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Bioregional Education Report January 17, 2007 We went to the Planet Drum greenhouse at the Catholic University to transplant trees. Some of the Planet Drum volunteers were waiting for us on our arrival. They carefully explained to the kids how to transplant and make compost. Then we split into groups to tackle the two tasks. The girls decided to transplant while the boys worked […]

Planting trees is only part of our mission.

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 19, 2007

January 15-19, 2007 It’s been another exciting and work-filled week here in Bahia de Caraquez. The dry season continues even though a few showers teased us, which suggests that the rainy season is close. With the real rain holding out on us, we continue to water our old revegetation sites. We are also making the final preparations in the greenhouse to get new trees for this […]