
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

A Re-birth of Ecologics

By Peter Berg | June 30, 2004

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador  Although economic thought is largely devoted to a seemingly unlimited array of activities and events surrounding production, distribution and consumption of goods, these are rarely seen as being nested in an ecological context. Most rational people concede that our well-being and ultimate survival as a species depends on sustaining interdependence and harmony with natural forces of life. Older environmental problems of pollution […]

How a Day Passes Here

By Peter Berg | June 28, 2004

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador  It is tempting to dwell on the difficulties of pioneering dry tropical forest revegetation because the obstacles and challenges are a kind of earth news. Reporting them is a way to spread the whys and hows of carrying out work that is urgently necessary but involves truly arduous effort. There is a high spirit of creativity that goes along with it that […]

Seeing the Future in the Past, Again

By Peter Berg | June 26, 2004

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador  The chronological record for Greece that exists in Herodotus’ History beginning with the Trojan War is missing for coastal Ecuador. There was a similarly rich culture here in the same era but we don’t know its sagas. The archeological traces of ruins themselves are only partially explored here.  It was a complex world but in a different way from the Greeks judging […]

Close Call, Solemn Solstice

By Peter Berg | June 23, 2004

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador  Burro droppings and a partially gnawed algarrobo sapling. These powerful auguries must have been left just after we left the day before. They were in a planting site that although begun during the rainy season we had only now started to dig the first postholes for a protective fence. Renee and Bevan saw these signs of potential disaster when they luckily […]

The Next Five Years Begin on a Dry Note

By Peter Berg | June 19, 2004

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Yellow squares of rice drying in front yards seen from the bus window on the six-hour ride out to Bahia from Guayaquil seemed a little early. It was the most sparse & peculiar rainy season since the Eco-city Declaration five years ago. Starting late in January, it gave up February and stayed truant another two months after that. Rain came again in May […]

Learning to Partner with a Life-Place

By Peter Berg | June 12, 2004

Learning to Partner With a Life-Place is the outline of a first year bioregional curriculum. It was first published June 12, 2004 as Dispatch #1 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador.  On a fog-wet spring morning in San Francisco, our unusual urban group climbed to the top of a rock promontory midway along a canyon trail to   get a clear view of the standout feature in […]

Creating a strong network of ecologists in which to exchange information and seeds—Mike Morgan.

By Renée Portanova | May 29, 2004

Letter May 29, 2004 Hey Peter,I’m feeling much better! Here is the week in review for May 24th thru the 29th. Monday we started the barbed wire fencing at Jorge Lomas Canal.  We accomplished an amazing amount in one day, thanks to the help of two very enthusiastic sojourners from the USA.  Wes and Zan had been staying in Bahía since the previous Thursday. (I had met them […]

Letter to Peter with News

By Renée Portanova | May 11, 2004

May 11, 2004   Hey Peter, The fencing project is giving me a pain in my stomach.  We bought some barbed wire and tried, unsuccessfully, to put together a prototype this afternoon.  I have some doubts about the use of barbed wire in areas where there are children (Jorge Lomas Canal and Hill). Also it seems the soil is just too unstable to place the wood stakes in the ground at […]

Revegetation Journal – 04/30/04

By Renée Portanova | April 30, 2004

Monday April 26, 2004 The three of us cleared trails at the Universidad Catolica site.  The unexpected rain over this past weekend initiated a green growth spurt and the undesirable vegetation has been running wild amongst our transplants.  The thorough work we had done previously at the site paid off.  We were able to maneuver through the site much easier than previously (if you remember last time it took […]

News and Revegetation Journal – 04/18/04

By Renée Portanova | April 17, 2004

News April 17, 2004   Sorry for the delay, we had some electricity problems yesterday in Bahia. Just to clarify, do you think we should continue to plant the dry-tolerant species and transfer the others into larger sacks?  Is it possible to get burlap sacks rather than plastic bags…they are biodegradable and more organic than plastic? Attached is a detailed report of our activies for this past week.  It […]