
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

The “Bear” in the Bosque and Other Outcomes

By Peter Berg | February 22, 2002

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Since it became unoccupied due to mud slides three and a half years ago, Bosque en Medio de Las Ruinas revegetation park in Maria Auxiliadpra barrio has been slowly evolving as a habitat. Our eyes have been trained on the progress of planted grass, brush and trees with only momentary interruptions from other life forms. Once there was a small cloud […]

Dancing Public Revegetation onto Private Land

By Peter Berg | February 17, 2002

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Eduardo “Cheo” took on the role of locating owners of land on the eroded hillsides above Leonidas Plaza to enroll them in revegetation activities out of his dedication to ecological betterment of the Rio Chone Bioregion. A high school English teacher by profession, he has often aided other dry tropical forest restoration efforts and led or sent student volunteers. Cheo visited […]

Carnaval Heat

By Peter Berg | February 12, 2002

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador The shredded comic strip atmosphere of Carnaval has infiltrated the city and holds us in a friendly but insistent grip like a grinning drunk. We aren’t always sure what to say because we aren’t sure of what we’ve really seen. The invasion began almost imperceptibly on Monday when I saw a man walking alone in the middle of the street with […]

Rain Included at Extra Cost

By Peter Berg | February 7, 2002

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador A month late, the annual rainy season has begun with a drenching vengeance. It began lightly, just sparkling the night pavement shortly before I arrived in Guayaquil, and continued intermittently a few days later while waiting to pick up new volunteers Darcie Luce and Lisa Kundrat at the airport. On the six hour bus ride from there to Bahia we encountered […]

Transforming Trash to Fruit Trees

By Peter Berg | September 10, 2001

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador  We closed the first community meeting to initiate the women’s compost/garden project in Fanca feeling as though it was the last hundred yards of a mile long race. Here’s a field spotter’s view of how the whole event developed and finished.  Nicola Mears met with me to discuss being hired as a consultant for demonstrating, training, and assisting people in composting […]

How to Biosphere

By Peter Berg | September 7, 2001

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador  Coastal Ecuador seems to breed imaginative future scenarios. It could be the sheer biological richness of the country, mixed with hard-pressed economic necessity, but something definitely inspires a sense of starting over in new and different ways. People aren’t generally inhibited about having large visions. One Bahia friend enunciates new ideas as a constant aspect of our conversations. Here’s one that […]

Now and Future Water

By Peter Berg | August 30, 2001

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador The home for most life on our planet is in water. It is a soupy, form-shifting medium where food can be chased, nibbled, or just plucked as it floats by. Plants and animals that don’t actually live in water require it anyway. All plants need to absorb moisture. Terrestrial animals manage their days around water holes, ponds, lakes, creeks, and rivers. […]

Counsel From an Unusual Source

By Peter Berg | August 23, 2001

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador August is the “gringo month” on the coast according to Patricio Tamariz, who believes it brings weather that resembles the Pacific Northwest. Days usually begin with gray clouds that can last into the night, but occasionally surrender to the radiator hot sun of the equator for a few hours in the afternoon. When this acquiescence occurs, there is a peculiar phenomenon […]

Last Days in Bahia

By Amy Jewel | March 13, 2001

Amy Jewel, Field Assistant (Writing from Memphis, Tennessee) “Well, we HAVE to do it.” These words were spoken more than once over the past few weeks by Patrick Rivadenerra, Director of the new Department for Tourism and the Environment, about accomplishing the objectives of his department. They were used yet again last week during a final meeting with Gabriella Chejtman as we discussed the next […]

Field Report # 1, 2001

By Amy Jewel | February 26, 2001

Amy Jewel, Field AssistantPlanet Drum Foundation We presented the official Spanish version of the Ecological Plan to Dr. Luis Mendoza, President of the Mayor’s Commission on Tourism and the Environment, on Tuesday, February 20th. This is the body that will take the plan to the City Council for discussion and eventual approval, or disapproval. “Nos vimos” (we shall see). During our brief discussion of the […]