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2010 Bioregional Education Class: Midterm Report – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | July 6, 2010

Ramon CedeñoProfessor – Group ABioregional Education ProgramPlanet Drum Foundation Midterm Report – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)July 6th, 2010 We have now begun the classes with new teachers and class assistants. It’s normal for everyone to see the many happy faces of young students, who are part of the change that we want. It’s beautiful to see so many boys and girls. This year has exceeded our […]

2010: Overview of Bioregional Education Program Format

By Clay Plager-Unger | May 26, 2010

Bioregional Education Program 2010 Planet Drum Foundation’s Bioregional Education Program for 2010 consists of a 12 week program for 11-13 year old local school students of the Bahía de Caráquez bioregion. Classes meet twice weekly in the afternoons and are voluntary, the students choose to participate in the program during their free time. The first day of classes this year was May 11th. On Wednesdays, […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Dry Tropical Flora, Native Trees & Watering Them – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | July 3, 2009

Ramon’s Report #4 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 July 1 & 3, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below This Wednesday, as always, Franco was the first to arrive to class. Once everyone was there, we played a game called EL BUM. For every multiple of 3, you have to say the word “bum;” for example: 1 2 bum 4 5 bum and so forth. […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Games, Land Ecosystems, Hiking & Ecological Reserve – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | June 26, 2009

Ramon’s Report #3 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 June 24 & 26, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below We started a new week and this day we had to read and analyze a new theme called Land Ecosystem. As usual, the first to arrive was Franco and Luis David; coincidentally the two who cause the most trouble throughout class. One by one the students […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Beaches & The Ocean Interacting with Humans – Paola

By Paola Divito | June 12, 2009

Paola’s Report #2 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 June 11 & 12, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)  Photos below This week, instead of 18 kids, I had class with only ten, which felt significantly mellower. Although I knew it was relieving, without the usual boisterous bubble that we interact in, I felt a bit of an emptiness, surprisingly. The kids explained to me that their […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Steps to Protect Our Bioregion – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 29, 2009

Ramon’s Report #2 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 27 & 29, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below We started class at our usual time of 3:30. On this day, our main objective was to understand the steps we must take to protect our bioregion. The kids were divided into three groups to review and analyze the main topics. Each group had to choose […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Excitement Sharing Information/Stories & View from the Lookout – Paola

By Paola Divito | May 22, 2009

Paola’s Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 20 & 22, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below I was greeted with an immediate huddle around me when I arrived for class at the park; the usual “Senorita! Senorita!” followed by a ton of questions about what we will be doing and where will we be going. It’s a bit of a chaotic manner to […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class: Environmental Projects & Bioregional Objectives – Fabiola

By Fabiola Coello | May 12, 2009

Fabiola’s Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 12, 2009 – English (Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below May 12 Objective: We started by reading an article by Peter Berg, the founder of Planet Drum; and learned about the main objectives of a bioregion and the different themes within each. For example, farming shrimp in the estuary and how it has affected the estuary’s ecosystem as […]

2009 Bioregional Education Class : Introduction to the Bioregion – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 8, 2009

Ramon’s Report #1 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 May 6 & 8, 2009 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below We started a new school year of Bioregional Education. This time there are three educational institutions: Colegio Vicente Hurtado, with Fabiola Coello as the teacher and Lissette Moncayo as assistant; Colegio Fanny de Baird, with Paola Divito as the teacher and Roberto Rodriguez as the assistant; […]

National Transformation Can Inspire Local Progress

By Peter Berg | March 24, 2008

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Ecuador is undergoing a political transformation of undeniably profound and long-lasting significance. As with most South American countries this is a time of widespread change and realignment for many reasons, but in Ecuador there is an additional uniquely internal factor that stands out above all others. It is rewriting the national constitution. President Rafael Correa put the issue of constitutional reform […]