Did some pelican observation after the discourse.

I am sorry that I wasn’´t able to write sooner but there was a strike here in the lovely province of Manabi to demand more money to improve the infrastructure here. Everything was shut down from the buses to the schools to the internet cafes. It put a bit of a cramp in this week´s lessons as well. On Tuesday we continued with a lesson on birds from Marcelo as well as a guest biologist from the states, Antoinette. We went out and did some pelican observation after the discourse. 

Saturday was also great at the Isla de Corazon and the participants loved the boat tour as well as seeing the great magnitude of birds that inhabit the island. 

I am in the process of getting the group organized to do some community education projects. Now that they have learned a bit the students will be able to share it withtheir friends, families and community.


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