Divino Niño Neighborhood Tree Donation

While I was out donating trees in downtown Bahía with Nicolas via triciclo we met one of the city parks’ caretakers who was cleaning the street. We gave him a tree and started to chat.
He said he really liked plants, and was interested in receiving more trees in his neighborhood. He offered to help distribute and plant them with other local residents.

Clay delivers trees to Don Jose Sasa in the Divino Niño neighborhood.

I decided to follow up and delivered 100 trees to his home. He was very excited about receiving so many trees. While there, he showed me his backyard and small garden that was teeming with plants and trees. Two of the trees, each about 2 meters tall, he pointed out were Planet Drum trees that he had received during an open house tree donation campaign last year.
It was encouraging to see personally the results that these donation campaigns can have.

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