Greenhouse Relocation

I recently met with the Catholic University administration. One half of the university will be demolished; the other half will be reconstructed. Since the greenhouse is currently located directly behind part of the building that will be demolished, it will be impossible for it to stay there. So after thirteen years, Planet Drum will need to move the greenhouse.

One of the most damaged parts of the building is right next to the Planet Drum greenhouse.
Demolition is underway at the Catholic University.
Damages to the building at the Catholic University.

Thankfully, the university is still enthusiastic about our project and is giving us a new, larger space to implement a new, larger, and hopefully even better greenhouse operation. It will be located on the other side of the soccer field, and is actually part of a Planet Drum revegetation site planted by Field Manager Heather Crawford in 2005. We will be producing new trees under the shade of trees (mostly Algarrobo, also some Cedro, Seca, and Bototillo) that Planet Drum planted over a decade ago!

Recently transplanted trees at the greenhouse are ready to be donated.
A seedbed with germinating Chirimoya seedlings.
One of the last views of the greenhouse before it will be relocated.

The university is also interested in doing a project with Tamarind and Algarrobo trees, having students in Bahía plant the trees and other students in Chone will help harvest the fruits (seedpods in the case of Algarrobo) and process Tamarind and Algarrobo pulp to make marketable products. Planet Drum will assist with tree production and planting oversight.

Taking down the Planet Drum greenhouse at the Catholic University.
Bottles for transplanting trees are covered with dust from the demolition work at the Catholic University.
Earthquake and aftershock damage to the greenhouse.

We’ve already begun tearing down the old greenhouse, clearing brush under the trees for the new greenhouse, and moving supplies to the new location.

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