Letter to Brian & Renee

March 26, 2004

Dear Brian and Renée,

This is a combined message from Peter & Elise to share our thoughts after an intensive week of bioregional education research, discussion & melding of ideas. “Transparency” is the intended keynote for this, and we eagerly invite a four-part discussion now that the attempt has been made to lay some of the hopefully mutual foundations. Elise is prepared to undertake the year-long program starting by mid-June at the latest. She will be a Planet Drum staff person, sharing the apartment & initially receiving a budget for materials-only of $50/month. Salary discussions will take place after a review of the first three months segment (roughly September); until then she s working solely to accomplish the difficult work of this project (with a personal option to pitch in with other activities if time permits). The ed. program will take a minimum of 16 hrs/wk actual project/class time, with variable additional time for community visits & discussions, recruiting students, arranging work & learning spaces, and preparations. The estimated total time is 40 hrs/wk or more. She will also write reports for the website. PD Director (Peter) has ultimate oversight regarding the program & will take part in decisions about progress, feasibility, new directions, delays, etc. We aren’t up to speed on how Renee (or possibly other people) want to relate to the ed. program. Obviously there is a lot of room for interplay to carry out educational activities & goals and it is necessary to know whatever expectations exist.  To maintain transparency, copies of all correspondence should be made to all parties involved. 

Wouldn’t it be great if the rainy season is just late after all & not short?

We have mailed out the latest PULSE (did your copy arrive yet?), membershiprenewals & a grovel-on-the-ground begging letter to help the lean spring financial season. Jean has competed all 30 daily segments of an internet funding pitch for Bahia revegetation that will be in operation as soon as we find a sponsoring company. Peter & Elise spent at least 8 hrs a day this whole week poring over past PDF Green City school activities, locating sources & materials, actually finding some English-language books that can be translated, and doing more creative thinking & writing in a shorter space than has happened here in some time. Hope you enjoy the results.


Peter & Elise

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