June was a particularly productive month with excellent assistance from six volunteers: Mikaela (Finland), Alisa (Switzerland), Kate (England), Colleen (U.S.), Nico (Spain), and Laura (Ecuador).

The entire greenhouse area continued to evolve and progress. Space for more trees was increased as tree production expanded. More than 1,000 new trees were transplanted from the seedbeds to bottles, which required cutting all of those bottles, mixing soil and filling the bottles, and then carefully transplanting each tree.

Mandarina, Toronja (grapefruit), Chirimoya, Naranja (Orange), Mango, Cacao, and Chirimoya trees were transplanted to bottles. As the seedbeds were emptied of seedlings, we replenished the soil and replanted them with fresh batches of seeds Many new batches of Chirimoya seeds were planted, as were Mandarina, and more Toronja.

Also, the entrance to the greenhouse was improved, the sign was relocated, and a new elevated bed for planting flowers was built as well.

Text and photos by Clay Plager-Unger.
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