Planet Drum Shop


Biosphere and the Bioregion: Essential Writings of Peter Berg


Edited by Cheryl Glotfelty and Eve Quesnel, this collection introduces readers to the biospheric vision and post-environmental genius of Planet Drum founder Peter Berg. The selection of writings  presents Berg’s bioregional vision and its global, local, urban, and rural applications. It provides a highly accessible introduction to bioregional philosophy, making Berg’s paradigm available as a guiding vision and practical “greenprint” for the twenty-first century.

The book includes the first-ever comprehensive bibliography of Berg’s publications and should be of interest to students and scholars in the inter-disciplinary fields of environmental humanities, environment and sustainability studies, as well as political ecology, environmental sociology and anthropology.

The essays in this book did not appear in Berg’s previous anthology , Envisioning Sustainability, They are organized by topic: Transforming Cities from Gray to Green, Bioregional Travels Around the Pacific Rim, Ecological Restoration and Rights in Ecuador, and Tributes to Peter Berg.