Mainstreaming Watersheds
also Mexico: Gathering of the Americas
Following Into the Mainstream, Annie F. Pyatak
Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports)
- David W. Jardine—American Dippers, Alberta Winter Strawberries
- John Luther Adams—The Place Where You Go To Listen
- Susan Keese—Taking the Time To Get There
- Giuseppe Moretti—Bioregione Padania
- Destiny Kinal—Upper Susquehanna River Greenway
- Pam Zoline & Art Goodtimes—Community in the Shape of the Watershed
- Lynette Hiilani Cruz—Nurturing Indigenous Hawaii
- Learn To Live With Rivers, Lori Pottinger
- River Index, World Rivers Review, September 1996
- Remembering the Instructions of the Land, Freeman House
- Restoration is Cultural Preservation, Craig C. & Susan J. Dremann
- A Loving-Green-City-Living Guide, Sarah Bardeen
- Act Locally Calendar, Mike Carr
- Proclamation: Supporting the Fifth Shasta Bioregional Gathering
- Foster A Bioregional Spirituality, Robert Barzan
- Bioregionalism Meets Local Autonomy in Mexico, Peter Berg
- Embracing the Edge, Starhawk
- Bioregional Gathering of the Americas, Rick Whaley
- Creek, Rachel Mueller, Grade 2, Lewis Elementary School, Coloragoy
- Every Stump Is Sacred, Gary Lawless
- Recycled Dawn, Annie F. Pyatak
- Sign, Seth Zuckerman
- Beatrice Briggs, Bioregional Gathering of the Americas, Oaxaca, Mexico
- Green Map System, Green Apple Map, New York City’s urban ecology
- Planet Drum, Shasta Bioregional Gathering 5, Sept. 4-7, 1997
- The Orion Society, Orion Afield: Good Work for Place, Nature and Community
- Jo Hansen, Women Environmental Artists Directory
- Planet Drum, Discovering Your Life-Place: A First Bioregional Workbook
Reviews: Riffs, Reads & Reels
Reviewed by Peter Berg
- Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge, by Vandana Shiva
Reviewed by Reneé Lertzman
- The Earth At Our Doorstep: Contemporary Writers Celebrate the Landscapes of Home, edited by Annie Stine
- The Abstract Wild, by Jack Turner
Reviewed by Robert Barzan
- Environmental Heroes: Success Stories of People At Work for the Earth, by Kevin Graham & Gary Chandler
Reviewed by Martin A. Lee
- Water: A Natural History, by Alice Outwater
Reads & Reels
Reviewed by Mark Feldman
- The Villagers, by Richard Critchfield
- Outside the Global Village: String of Life (film)
- Bliss (film)
Green City Report by Ian Stewart
Green City/urban sustainability activities in the SF Bay Area.
Planet Drum Pulse by Annie F. Pyatak
Stake Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office.
Planet Drum Publications
Activities, how to get involved, items for sale and masthead.
BANA (Bioregional Association of the Northern Americas) Update by Annie F. Pyatak
- Robert Buelteman, Jr., West Union Creek (front page)
- International Rivers Network, Final Score: Theun—River 1, Dam—0 (Learn To Live With Rivers)
- Robert Buelteman, Arcularius Ranch (Remembering the Instructions of the Land)
- Craig Dremann, A mural depicting native plants…, Los Osos, California (Restoration Is Cultural Preservation)
- Craig Dremann, U.S. Forest Service personnel harvesting native grass seeds… (Restoration Is Cultural Preservation)
- Craig Dremann, Indigenous grasses being restored…, Berkeley, California (Restoration Is Cultural Preservation)
- Planet Drum, Green City & Green City Calendar logos (A Loving-Green-City-Living Guide)
- Mike Carr, Sunrise Ceremony (Bioregionalism Meets Autonomy-Mexico)
- Doug Aberly, Tepoztlan Is Not For Sale (Bioregionalism Meets Autonomy-Mexico)
- Judy Goldhaft, Tepoztlan Environmental Committee (Bioregionalism Meets Autonomy-Mexico )
- Judy Goldhaft, Native Plant Workshop, Meztitla Camp (Bioregionalism Meets Autonomy-Mexico)
- Location maps (Circles of Correspondence)
- John Svenson, Our Archipelago, from Panhandler Songbook (Circles of Correspondence)
- Lato Selvatico, Italian Po Valley Bioregion (map) (Circles of Correspondence)
- Chris Hazen & Infozone, Colorado Plateau Watershed (map) (Circles of Correspondence)
- Foliage graphic (Circles of Correspondence)
- Shafi Hakin, Raise the Stakes (photo)
- San Francisco International Film Festival, Bliss (reviews)
- Planet Drum staff photo
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