Harvesting the Trash
Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports)
- Paul Glover—Los Angeles: A Future History (intro by Peter Berg)
- NYC or Manhattan Fjord? (intro by Robert C. Watts)
- Bill Curry—1st Peoples Are Here to Stay (intro by Peter Berg)
- Starting Over: The 1st North American Bioregional Congress (into by Peter Berg)
- David Haenke—Organizing Your Own Bioregional Congress
- “New Populist” Model From the Heartland: Kansas Area Watershed (intro by Robert C. Watts)
- Peter Berg—4th World: 2nd Assembly
- Lauren Davis—Stalking the Bioregional Textbook (intro by Robert C. Watts)
- Harvesting the Trash, Michael Helm
- Abolishing the Dump, Dan Knapp, interviewed by Michael Helm
- How to Waste Chemicals, Louise Lacey
- Recycling and the Politics of Trash, Mary Lou Van Deventer
- No Nukes Get Bio Roots, A discussion with Sheila Rose Purcell (Planet Drum), Eric Bear (Abalone Alliance), Liz Walker (Center for Urban Environment), Mark Hage (antidraft/antinuclear activist), Gaby Welford (Cooperatives/workers self-management), (intro by Peter Berg)
The Unbroken Chain, Reider Ekner
Letter From Sweden, Gary Snyder
Michael Myers (1948-1982), Holbrook (Teter)
This issue is a tribute to Michael Myers and his graphics, which he generously provided to Planet Drum over the years.
Good Cooks know where They Live, Reviewed by Robert C. Watts
- Garnishes, Margo Kokko
- Sushi, Mia Detrick
- Calamari Cookbook
Excerpts from Tukak’ Teatret: Theater From Inside the Human Species
Bulletin Board
by Sheila Rose Purcell
- Bioregional Contacts: Delaware Valley, Northcoast Area Watershed Council, Reinhabiting New Jersey, Phoenix/Salt River Watershed, OACC, RAIN, Creosote Collective, Great Lakes Bioregional Congress, The Southern New England Self-Reliance Movement, Pend Oreille Center for Appropriate Technology, Earth First!, Wyoming Citizens Alliance, Mogollon Highlands Watershed Assoc., Tilth.
- Seedling contacts: Bill Curry, Stephen Hall, Ellen Holly Klaver, William Koethke, Donals Perlgut, Larry Schultz, Joel Russ, Annie Holmes, Mark Cohen, Milo Guthrie, Dolores LaChapelle, Tim Bowser, Barry Roderick, Allison Peck, Rob Walkinshaw, Emilia Hazelip
Planet Drum Pulse
Stakes Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office.
Michael Myers, Paul Glover, Thomas Morris, Robert C. Watts, The Book of Grasses, Lauren Davis, Michael Myers, Michael Myers, Michael Myers, Michael Myers, Tukak’ Teatret, Michael Myers, Michael Myers, Michael Myers, Michael Myers
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