Hi Peter and Elise,
It looks like you guys have been doing some good work in San Fran. I like the looks of the curriculum. Unfortunately, I will not be here when most of it is carried out.
We had an Amigos de Eco-ciudad meeting—these are the main points covered.
- I will remain leader of the group until I leave, at which point the group decided that PDF should remain in charge, which means Renee would take over. This will be the case until the new jefe del departmento del medioambiente (Environment Department) is named, and then he or she will take over the group. That’s right, the city has finally decided to separate the dept of environment from tourism. A huge step in the right direction and one that was taken because of our succesful efforts with the Amigos of the Ecociudad group.It should be pointed out that the main responsibility of the leader is to make sure the dates of the meetings are made public and invitations distributed. When the meeting starts it is usually an open forum for discussion and problem solving.
- The group wants to take on helping the canton-wide recycle project succeed as it’s next task.
- Meetings will be held every other week for now.
- We reviewed the celebration and talked about how to improve on it for next year.
Planet Drum work for the week included seed storage, shucking and cataloging. We also planted at Jorge Lomas Canal and built a fence around the compost pit at the Universidad.
We are looking forward to Elise joining the team again and foresee a harmonious future. I love Bahia and am experiencing a lot of sadness and frustration leaving things right now, while they are going so good. C’est la vie. Perhaps I will be back soon.
Take care,
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