There is always lots to do at the Planet Drum greenhouses. At the main greenhouse behind the Catholic University, the trees are growing quickly in re-purposed plastic bottles, while the seedbeds continue to germinate new seedlings.

Soil is prepared for filling bottles, and plastic bottles are cut to make receptacles for seedlings. After new greenhouse areas are prepared for storing trees, and the bottles are filled with soil, the seedlings are transplanted. Most recently a large batch of Chirimoya seedlings were transplanted.

A neighbor near the greenhouse contacted us about removing several years worth of dried cow manure from his backyard. Never ones to miss an opportunity for free compost, we spent one morning collecting nearly 40 sacks of manure. Once at the greenhouse, the manure was sifted – and it is clearly of high quality.

Additionally, regular greenhouse tasks include: watering the trees, raking leaves, clearing weeds from the seedlings, macheteing brush around the greenhouse area, and general clean up.

At the Astillero Community Greenhouse, we helped our friend Jose Maria improve some trees that were looking a little sad by topping them off with fresh soil or transplanting them to new containers and did some general tidying up of the area. He has a been busy transplanting all kinds of fruit trees (Mandarins, Grosella, Mango, and Naranja) and the greenhouse there is proving to be quite productive.

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