November 5 – November 9, 2007
On Monday morning, bottles were collected around town and the Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas and La Cruz sites were watered. At the greenhouse bottles were prepared and compost was dumped off and turned. Trees were moved about to create more room for seed beds and the plants were watered. Lilian and Michelle, two new volunteers arrived.

On Tuesday half the volunteers watered Bosque Encantado and more trails were opened at the new site there. The other half went to water El Toro and plants at the greenhouse. I accompanied Jaeson, from San Francisco, to the Planet Drum land in Pajonal, where he camped out for a few days in order to take GPS coordinates and investigate possibilities for an access road location. [Jaeson is on lower right of picture]
Wednesday morning it drizzled and a couple of volunteers went to the greenhouse to fill up watering jugs and prepare 3-liter bottles for transplanting. Back at the house we did a cleanup and then hired a truck to take Moyuyo stakes for fencing to the new Don Pepe revegetation site.

On the way we swung by the greenhouse and picked up already full watering jugs to drive them into the Don Pepe and Maria Dolores sites. We unloaded watering jugs and the Moyuyo stakes inside the Maria Dolores watershed. The old revegetation sites were watered and the stakes were carried into the new site.

Thursday morning it drizzled again and we carried stakes and designed the outline of the new site on Don Pepe’s land. Some macheteing was done to clear lines for barbwire and posts were placed at intervals. We began digging holes for the posts.

Others worked at the greenhouse, transplanting a seedbed of nearly two hundred baby Ceibos to 3-liter bottles.

On Friday there was a light rain in the early morning. More work was done on the fence at Don Pepe’s. Fence posts were placed around the perimeter and the rest of the holes were dug.

Another group at the greenhouse finished transplanting the Ceibos and also worked on fixing up the greenhouse extension and moving trees over there. Once some trees were moved, space was freed up for more seed beds. Soil was mixed and the beds were prepared.
Hasta luego,
Note from November 23, 2007. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We had a veritable

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