We nourish the trees and we nourish ourselves.

July 23-27, 2007  

This week we were down to one volunteer. Fortunately, Brian is a hard worker because as usual there’s a lot to get done.

On Monday we went to the greenhouse, watered, dumped off compost, weeded and checked on the plants. From there we walked over to Maria Dolores and Don Pepe to do some watering. With only two people it took two trips to carry all the water in to the sites. While at the Don Pepe site, I met with the landowner to discuss the possibility of expanding our revegetation on his land and in the surrounding area, he is very favorable to the idea.    

On Tuesday we continued watering, this time at Bosque Encantado, normally a difficult site for even a large group of volunteers. Again, we had to do two trips to get all the water up the hill.

On Wednesday we did some transplanting at the greenhouse. 

A few of the three-liter bottles had more than one tree growing in them and the trees had to be separated. We also turned all of the compost and prepared more seed beds.

Thursday morning while waiting for a ride to the El Toro site to take care of watering there we did some house cleaning, bought some more supplies for the greenhouse and fixed some of the house furniture that was falling apart. Then late in the afternoon we got a lift with Ricardito to El Toro. Thanks to Jaime for coming out to volunteer, otherwise we wouldn’t have finished until way after sunset.

On Friday we took the students from Bioregionalism Ed class out to water with us, partially on their request. With all the helpers we knocked off watering La Cruz and Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas practically with ease. In the afternoon we headed to the greenhouse to do some watering before the weekend.       

It was a long week of watering with only me and Brian, but we were able to take care of it all with some extra help from Jaime and the Bioregional students. We also were able to get a lot done in the greenhouse. There are now seed beds of Caoba, Tierramonte, Algarobo and Guachepelli in the process of germinating and more beds that will be ready to seed soon.

We nourish the trees and we nourish ourselves.


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