2007 Advanced Bioregional Class: Solid Wastes

Ramon’s Weekly Report #6

Advanced Bioregionalism Education
Autumn Session 2007

November 14th & 16th

On Monday we met in the park to begin a new theme: Solid Wastes.  Before beginning I asked the students what they knew about solid waste and they said that it is the garbage generated by human beings.

After this I added that solid waste is garbage, but also includes all residues solid, semi-solid and liquid that are disposed of in the environment.  These wastes come from different sources, such as domestic, institutional, commercial, industrial, and agriculture.  Most of these sources produce typical garbage, but hospitals, factories and agriculture produce more dangerous wastes that should get special treatment. 

Among these wastes, some can be re-used for different purposes.  Organic waste can make compost, and other materials, such as glass, metal and plastic can be recycled.  It would be possible to take advantage of such re-usage with city programs for separation.  But because there isn’t good collection and transport on the part of local authorities, wastes accumulate in parts of the city, like we saw during our field trip last week. 

On Friday, we had planned to do a neighborhood cleanup, but didn’t because some of the students had to participate in a parade in San Vicente and couldn’t attend class.  The students who did show up were disappointed because it was too late to plan another outing, and they couldn’t do the cleanup without the others.  Those who came met in the park with Planet Drum volunteers Michelle and Lillian where they played environmentally themed games.  Afterwards they exchanged some language lessons.

Translated by Clay.

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