Magazines, bundles, newspapers

Bundle: Amble Towards Continent Congress, by Peter Berg

By Judy Goldhaft / December 23, 2020 / 0 Comments

Peter Berg’s manifesto  to overcome the politics of extinction. The piece was originally written in 1976. It was updated and reprinted  in 1992 to serve as a bioregional overview of North American history for 500th anniversary of Europe’s “Encounter” with North “America.”


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Bundle: Backbone—The Rockies

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

A six-part Bundle of essays, poems, journals, calendars and proposals.

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Bundle: Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

A bundle containing essays, poetry, graphics and poster. Contributors include George Tukel, Thomas Berry, Kirkpatrick Sale, and others. Also see the Reinhabit the Hudson Estuary website:


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Bundle: Watershed Guide & Living Here

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

A four-color  19″ x 24″ poster with an 5.5″ x  8.5″ pamphlet evoking the natural amenities of the San Francisco Bay Area watershed.

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Green City Program, Cover Artwork

By Judy Goldhaft / December 28, 2020 / 0 Comments

The original 3 color cover for A Green City Program for the San Francisco Bay Area and Beyond, designed  by Peter Kunz using three of Anthony Holdsworth’s San Francisco paintings.

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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #10 – Open Fire: A Council of Bioregional Self-Criticism

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

Guest editor Jim Dodge selects representative gripes from Marni Muller, Bill Devall, Gary Snyder, Kelly Kindscher, and others. The Centerfold is Peter Berg’s Amble Towards Continent Congress. The Insert (not included): A Bioregional Directory.

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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #12 – Emerging States: A Bioregional Directory

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

A Directory of over 100 bioregional groups, publications and contact persons. The centerfold is   a map of Represented Bioregions of North America created by William Quesada in 1987.


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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #13 – Nature in Cities

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

Beryl Magilavy discusses, Cities Within Nature; David Goode seeks The Green City as Thriving City; Christine Furedy on Natural Recycling in Asia Cities; Doug Aberley on Native American reinhabitation; Peter Garland looks at  musical tradition in Michoacan, Mexico and more.



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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #14 – Borders

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

Exploring the concept of boundaries with features including  Malcolm Margolin on Walking the Border Between Native and Non-native Culture;  Dolores LaChapelle on Boundary Crossing to reconcile wilderness and civilization; Stephen Duplantier on Distance Disease and more.



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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #15 – North “America” Plus: A Bioregional Directory

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

Columbus’ “discovery” of North “America is considered with Kerry Beane, Darryl Wilson, and Andrés King Cobos expressing native perspectives and Kirkpatrick Sale and Peter Berg seeing it from a reinhabitory standpoint. Also Richard Grow on Decolonizing the Language of the Ecology Movement.

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