2007 Advanced Bioregional Class: Sustainable Development

Ramon’s Weekly Report #2

Advanced Bioregionalism Education
Autumn Session 2007

October 10th & 12th

The theme for the week was Sustainable Development.

 Wednesday afternoon we made groups in circles to discuss the material at hand. After each group finished their work, the whole class formed one large circle and began to analyze the different studies that the groups did. 

The students understand that sustainable development is a very large and encompassing concept, and to be able to understand it well requires studying the environment of Bahia and the effect of a large population of people living here and in the surrounding area.

On Friday there was a hike through the Jorge Lomas neighborhood in the hills behind Leonidas Plaza, a suburb of Bahia. 

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We hiked all the way up over a pass and down to the beach on the other side. The point of the hike was to observe the amounts of garbage that are produced and discarded in this area. In addition to seeing a lot of trash, we also found empty shotgun shells, from hunters killing birds. We hiked through a lot of side trails to see beyond where the road goes. 

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The students say they want to organize a trash clean up in the area. 

Next week the theme of Sustainable Development continues.

Translated by Clay.

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