Margarita Plager-Unger

2011 Bioregional Education Class: July Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | July 15, 2011

Planet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramReport #2, July 2011 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)Teacher: Margarita Avila Napa [aka Plager-Unger] Today’s theme is Birds. We begin with a handout prepared by Planet Drum. Each student read a part of the article. Then we analyzed the text and shared ideas. Afterwards, we answered the questions. Everyone is present today. Even though my students are the oldest of all the […]

2011 Bioregional Education Class: May Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | May 30, 2011

Planet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramReport #1, May 2011 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)Teacher: Margarita Avila Napa [aka Margarita Plager-Unger] Today is the first day of the Bioregionalism classes. We are beginning a new adventure this year. I am working with the students from the Genesis School. They are between 13 and 15 years old, so they are already adolescents. They are from two different grades at […]

2010 Bioregional Education Class: Final Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | December 13, 2010

Group C Professor: Margarita Avila [aka Plager-Unger]Planet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramFinal Reports 2010 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below. Report # 5Topic: Land Ecosystems Today I explained how animal and plant life develops and explained how humans are included in this cycle. It is the most practical way of learning more of about land ecosystems. We talked about the most important topics: habitat, forests, fauna […]

2010 Bioregional Education Class: Midterm Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | July 6, 2010

Midterm reports – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)Group C, Margarita Plager-Unger Photos below. May 12th, 2010Theme – Bioregions The first day was a new experience for everyone. On the faces of the children I could see curiosity, happiness and uneasiness because many did not know what bioregionalism is or why they were there. One student immediately grabbed my attention, Bombila. He was very angry with all the other […]