Ramon Cedeño Loor

Ramon Cedeno Loor became the new Bioregional Education Manager after Valentina left. Ramon is a teacher and has been volunteering with Planet Drum for several months. He lives in the Maria Auxiliadora neighborhood and completed the 2006 Introductory classes in early 2007. In May of 2007 Ramon began a new series of Introductory classes, and in October he initiated an Advanced class. During 2007 he sent 21 reports—3 for the 2006 Introductory series final classes, 10 for the new Introductory classes and 8 for the Advanced Bioregional Education classes. (The school year in Ecuador runs from May/June until September, and then again from October until January. From late January to late May there are no classes.) The reports were translated from Spanish by Clay Plager-Unger, Planet Drum's Field Projects Manager.

Ramon’s Bioregional Education Project

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | November 26, 2006

November 26, 2006 On the 15th of November the Bioregional Course started and students from Bahia, Leonidas Plaza and San Vicente participated. On their first day they learned what a Bioregion is and about its importance for sustainable development. Further, they worked out a series of questions and answers and put them in an Ecogram. On Friday 17th they all went up to the La Cruz […]