
Bioregional Education course started for seven kids.

By Valentina Carminati / June 19, 2006 / 0 Comments

Valentina Carminati, Field Bioregional Education ManagerPlanet Drum FoundationReport, June 12-19, 2006 Today the Bioregional Education course started and Cheo kindly was helping me. Unfortunately only seven students turned up. I knew the main problem was going to be the lack of kids but I don’t want to put myself down yet. First of all the students introduced themselves […]

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Valentina preparing a summer course in bioregionalism for teens.

By Valentina Carminati / June 12, 2006 / 0 Comments

June 12, 2006 Last week I have been to Colegio Interamericano and to Colegio Eloy Alfaro and I left 80 invitations in total to the students (in order for the parents to know and decide together). The students are 10 to 14 years old and since the course is not an ‘obligation’ we don’t know […]

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Provincial Environmental Assembly, and Ecuador wins Futbol game.

By Patrick Wylie / June 11, 2006 / 0 Comments

June 5-11, 2006 It rained three times last week! This isn’t supposed to happen. It was fantastic to hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof! Otherwise, pretty quiet down here on the work front. We’ve settled in to a pretty regular schedule for watering twice weekly at El Toro and Bosque Encantado. We get […]

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Aphids wreak havoc, inspire improvements.

By Patrick Wylie / June 4, 2006 / 0 Comments

May 29-June 4, 2005 With Heather and Mark’s departure, we had room in the house for new volunteers. Those who arrived in the greenhouse were not friends, but enemies! Shocked as you may be with this less than usual portrayal of those who come to work for us, they were not men, not women, but […]

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For the first time we have lost trees to bulldozers.

By Patrick Wylie / May 21, 2006 / 0 Comments

May 15-21st The long awaited compost finally arrived at the greenhouse this week from the city’s composting plant. To accommodate all 900 kilograms that was delivered we dug another trench alongside the greenhouse (appoximately 50 feet long). While Hugo, the compost supervisor, was at the greenhouse he commented on the quality and richness of our […]

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While collecting bottles on the beach for the greenhouse, we ran into a past volunteer, Orlando.

By Patrick Wylie / May 14, 2006 / 0 Comments

May 8-14, 2006 The greenhouse lay silent for most of the week as little has been germinating, but more so due to an infestation of 9 wasp nests. With Mark holding a shovel, Brooke with the can of Raid and me with the hose, we set out to destroy our beloved greenhouse occupiers. We turned […]

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One week of rain in early May and trading seeds with Fundacion Futuro.

By Patrick Wylie / May 7, 2006 / 0 Comments

May 1–7, 2006 If I take but one thing from Ecuador it won’t be weavings from the village of Otavalo or turtles from the Galapagos Islands… it will be a new found respect for the farmer’s almanac! The locals had said there will be one week of rain in early May and here it is! We’ve […]

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Water outages, die back for the dry season and greenhouse inventory is 1866 trees.

By Patrick Wylie / April 30, 2006 / 0 Comments

April 24-30, 2006 It rained on Wednesday for the first time in a month! Although it only lasted for two hours it was beautiful to feel the drops on our heads and see water in our tanks. The water outage continues in the city, at the same time street protests were held last week. City […]

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Unplanted trees returned to the greenhouse.

By Patrick Wylie / April 23, 2006 / 0 Comments

April 17-23, 2006 Great week down here, 30 degrees and sunny! We spent a few days making some new maps for our sites and gathered up wood for the Planet Drum signs that we will be putting up at each of our planting sites. Work has begun on the handrails and stairs up at Bosque […]

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Semana de Santas

By Patrick Wylie / April 16, 2006 / 0 Comments

 April 10-16, 2006 All is well here in Bahia de Caraquez, and we have working hard to get the greenhouse in order while we have a little spare time. Just as you are all thinking about tulips, daffodils and lilies up North, we have next year’s forest sprouting in the greenhouse! It’s been a battle […]

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