Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador August is the “gringo month” on the coast according to Patricio Tamariz, who believes it brings weather that resembles the Pacific Northwest. Days usually begin with gray clouds that can last into the night, but occasionally surrender to the radiator hot sun of the equator for a few hours in the […]
Read MoreThree Dispatches are below from Japan, China and Mongolia(most photos by Judy Goldhaft, some by Peter Berg and some by Kimiharu To) Bioregionalism Finds Eager Audiences In Japan Planet Drum Foundation concluded a three week, five city tour of Japan on May 30th titled “Bioregionalism: Proactive Approaches to Sharing the Earth.” Peter Berg and Judy Goldhaft […]
Read MoreNobody Wins If Nature Loses: Environmental risks posed by 2002 Winter Olympics in Utah San Francisco Bay Guardian Salt Lake City Olympic bid executives were furious when they learned that Nagano, Japan, had beaten them out for the 1998 Winter Games by allegedly paying $100,000 per vote to members of the International Olympic Committee. Determined […]
Read MoreBioregional Olympics: Environmental “Greenwashing” of 2002 Olympic Winter Games Background Documentation Index of Materials The Olympic Movement and the Environment “Report and Recommendations” written by the Materials and Resource Management Working Group Guard Fox Watch Monitoring Recommendations Letter from Environmental Advisory Committee Ecological Standards for Activities Prior, During, and After 2002 Winter Olympic Games In […]
Read MoreThe Post-Environmentalist Directions of Bioregionalism a lecture by Peter Berg given at the University of Montana, Missoula, April 10, 2001. The central subject I’m going to be talking about is the biosphere, the thin skin of life that surrounds our planet. A very thin covering, like our own skin. And the question is: how do […]
Read MoreAmy Jewel, Field Assistant (Writing from Memphis, Tennessee) “Well, we HAVE to do it.” These words were spoken more than once over the past few weeks by Patrick Rivadenerra, Director of the new Department for Tourism and the Environment, about accomplishing the objectives of his department. They were used yet again last week during a […]
Read MoreAmy Jewel, Field AssistantPlanet Drum Foundation We presented the official Spanish version of the Ecological Plan to Dr. Luis Mendoza, President of the Mayor’s Commission on Tourism and the Environment, on Tuesday, February 20th. This is the body that will take the plan to the City Council for discussion and eventual approval, or disapproval. “Nos […]
Read MorePor Amy Jewel (Assistente de Campo, Fundación Planet Drum) Municipalidad de Cantón Sucre (Versión Español) Antecedentes La recolección y destrucción de los desechos sólidos es un desafío que enfrentan todas las municipalidades. Mientras que el número de gente viviendo en las ciudades continua creciendo, la cantidad de basura generada también crece. Es necesario manejar toda […]
Read MoreBy, Amy Jewel (Field Assistant at Planet Drum Foundation) Municipality of Canton Sucre [versión en español] Introduction The collection and disposal of solid waste is a challenge facing all municipalities. As the number of people living in the cities continues to grow, the amount of waste generated also grows. All of this waste needs to […]
Read MoreReport #6 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador The “Ecological Plan for the Development of Canton Sucre (Bahia de Caraquez)” is finally finished! Last Thursday, February 15, six months after the first tentative draft was circulated to instigate a community process for its full development, a public meeting in City Hall solicited and added final comments and […]
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