Bioregional Resources

Still More Levels

By Peter Berg | January 28, 2001

Report #2 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador When the mayor asked six months ago for a volunteer Environmental Planner to assist him personally, I promised to fulfill the request. I correctly supposed that he wanted to undertake initiating and coordinating the ecological policies and activities of city agencies, while also responding to numerous suggestions and needs of non-profit and business groups as well as private […]

Moving Several Levels Higher

By Peter Berg | January 23, 2001

Report #1 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Ciudad Ecologica (Ecological City) activities are at the highest point since the city declaration two years ago. I don’t believe just one person any longer knows everything that’s going on here, so I’ll only update some of what is interfacing with Planet Drum’s projects. Amy Jewel, volunteer recycling planner from New York, and I have taken separate rooms […]

Report on Bahia de Caraquez Hillside Erosion Suitable for Revegetation Using Plantings Without Physical Alterations of the Landscape

By Peter Berg | January 23, 2001

(Rio Chone Border From Astillero to Kilometro Ocho — Excepting El Toro Watershed) The area of Bahia de Caraquez that borders Rio Chone from Astillero to Kilometro Ocho is backed by a long series of eroded hillsides that drain into the river and bay. The principal erosion was initiated by deforestation and grazing over decades, but recently made massive by El Nino mud slides and […]

Why “Revegetation” Rather Than “Reforestation”… and Where?

By Peter Berg | September 27, 2000

When we started the planting project in Maria Auxiliadora, it was clear that this could be a testing ground for ideas about recovering eroded land with major potential locally if not throughout coastal Ecuador. Here are some of the factors that make work on only a few hectares of earth so significant. To start with, it consists of either denuded small cliffs or piled up […]

Two Steps Forward Without Any Backward

By Peter Berg | September 22, 2000

Each trip to Bahia de Caraquez starts with ideas about what will happen that become transformed in profound ways before the visit is over. Two mutations in plans have occurred so far this time. Our revegetation project has morphed into a proposed city park, and what began as a tentative outline for an overall ecological city plan has become an action document. Vicente Leon of […]

Unsorted Impressions

By Peter Berg | September 16, 2000

Bahia de Caraquez is a small city but its regional importance magnifies its size. How small depends on the particular perspective that a question might require. How many people? Twelve thousand or three times that depending on who is answering and why the number is important. (World Watch Institute uses 25,000 population as the standard for defining a city, so Bahia qualifies at the high […]

From a Park to a Plan

By Peter Berg | September 14, 2000

September has been overcast nearly every day since we arrived nearly two weeks ago. Some locals have taken to wearing sweaters and jackets and making mock shivers when the say ‘Esta frio (It’s cold)!” But most continue to wear T-shirts as Judy and I do who feel that it’s pretty reasonable weather for San Franciscans. It reminds me of the opposite sweating and immobilized reaction […]

Ecological City Plan for Bahia De Caraquez, Ecuador

By Peter Berg | September 11, 2000

I. Introduction — The need and purpose of a plan to create an ecological city. A) Need 1. Ecological City Declaration 2. Understanding, coordination and participation with all ecological endeavors a. Projects and activities — government and private b. Public participation — consult and assist in developing various activities and projects. Public information — government, schools, media, visitors, etc. B) Purpose 1. Guide activities toward […]

The Restoration of Bahia is Underway

By Peter Berg | September 9, 2000

Bahia de Caraquez has already lost its earthquake-struck look. Some prominent buildings of several stories that retained cracks and holes where cement was lost in 1998 have been patched or otherwise restored, and the absence of those particularly eye-gouging open wounds has an uplifting effect.. The people have a similar forward looking attitude. It’s an accepted fact that the economy is pathetically unstable, and in […]

Rebellion Comes to Bahía a Month Late, But Nonetheless Verdad

By Peter Berg | February 14, 2000

Bahía de Caráquez, Ecuador The political demonstrations a month ago as part of a peaceful roar which caused the president’s resignation in what eventually only amounted to a palace revolution in Quito finally erupted in Bahía de Caráquez. Whether ironically or with perfect poetic timing, it was on St Valentine’s Day.  With Flor-Maria at the wheel and Patricio as company, we drove out of town […]