Eco Ecuador Bioregional Education

Course introduction:our direct relationship with nature.

By Kristen Lansdale | May 13, 2005

The education project is coming along with quite a bit of enthusiasm, perhaps too much. We still have fifty participants in the project, most of them from a tourism class at the local high school Fanny de Baird. It seems that their teacher has highly recommended, if not put quite a bit of pressure on them to take this course. This is both good and bad. […]

We had a grand turnout of fifty-five people.

By Kristen Lansdale | May 5, 2005

This week was full of excitement and activity. Starting off on Tuesday I met with the presidents of the barrios to let them know about the bioregional education project. They were very interested and in fact one of them wants to participate in the project. They suggested several ideas of projects we could work on and I am thinking of having the first Saturday of […]

Bahia welcomes the prospect of bioregional education.

By Kristen Lansdale | April 29, 2005

This week has been packed with activity as the bioregional education project takes flight. It seems that the program has an energy of its own as the community of Bahia welcomes the prospect of bioregional education. This week I have been to talk to the Universidad Catolica, Universidad La Laica, Colegios Eloy Alfaro, and Fanny Baird. I am guessing that I have presented the program to […]

Ecuador Project Report: Christina Knott, Aug. 2004

By Christina Knott | August 16, 2004

Christina Knott, VolunteerPlanet Drum Foundation Hola Chicos, Let me start off by saying that I don’t know how Planet Drum managed for so long without the bamboo watering system that is now in place.  The work that used to take all morning can be done in about twenty minutes.  The pipes are placed in the ground beside young and newly transplanted trees.  The goal is […]

Working on educational games for a kids’ Tour

By Christina Knott | August 16, 2004

August 16, 2004 We are back down to one group. Several volunteers have left this week and more are leaving next week. Greenhouse:  A lot of work has been done at the greenhouse this week.  The hillside and the greenhouse plants have been watered. I believe the greenhouse itself is being watered on an almost daily basis thanks to the university students who are helping […]

Learning to Partner with a Life-Place

By Peter Berg | June 12, 2004

Learning to Partner With a Life-Place is the outline of a first year bioregional curriculum. It was first published June 12, 2004 as Dispatch #1 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador.  On a fog-wet spring morning in San Francisco, our unusual urban group climbed to the top of a rock promontory midway along a canyon trail to   get a clear view of the standout feature in […]

Letter to Brian & Renee

By Peter Berg and Elise Braaten | March 26, 2004

March 26, 2004 Dear Brian and Renée, This is a combined message from Peter & Elise to share our thoughts after an intensive week of bioregional education research, discussion & melding of ideas. “Transparency” is the intended keynote for this, and we eagerly invite a four-part discussion now that the attempt has been made to lay some of the hopefully mutual foundations. Elise is prepared to undertake […]

Eco-Ciudad Community Bioregional Education Program

By Peter Berg and Elise Braaten | March 15, 2004

Peter Berg and Elise Braaten collaborated on a neighborhood oriented educational curriculum that will be launched June 2004 by Planet Drum Foundation in Bahia de Caraquez. Objective: To develop and carry out a bioregional education program for children and adults.  It is oriented toward accomplishing ongoing projects that feature lessons, workshops and exercises based upon relationships between specific bioregional features and human economic, social and […]

2002 Kristen Ford: Report # 4 : ‘Escuela Rotaria Story’

By Kristen Ford | October 31, 2002

Kristen FordPlanet Drum Volunteer [Soon after arriving in Bahia, Kristen returned from Fanca glowing with amazement and delight. After she told me what happened, I suggested she write up her experience for the website. Here it is….Judy Goldhaft].  This story begins with an invitation by the Director of the Escuela Rotaria (Rotary School) in Fanca to work with the natural sciences teacher in her class. […]

2002 Kristen Ford: Report #3: “Successful vermicomposting”

By Kristen Ford | October 31, 2002

Kristin FordPlanet Drum Volunteer I am here in Genesis enjoying the costumes that children are wearing tonight. I just saw Snow White walk by. So much to say, where to begin? Well, in the last week I have gotten very involved in the up and coming vermicomposting project. Jeff, Chris and I have been in ongoing negotiations during the past month for the municipality to […]