Magazines, bundles, newspapers

Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #16 – Europe Now: The Bioregional Prospect

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

Articles include George Tukel on Reinhabitation in Hungary; Thomas Kaiser on Eastern Europe; as well as reorganizing along bioregional lines and for Regional Ecological Development;  a glimpse of sustainable agriculture in Neolithic France by Marc Bonfils, and more. 

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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #17 – Exploring Urban Frontiers

By Judy Goldhaft / December 25, 2020 / 0 Comments

Urban Challenges are highlighted in articles by Marie Dolcini, Richard Register, Peter Berg, Bruce Hinkforth, Beryl Magilavy, Jean Gardner, Paul Ryan, Nelson Denman, Paul Glover, Patrick Mazza, and Doug Aberley . Reports continue the focus on Europe.

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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #3 – Cities: Salvaging the Parts

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

Features include Bioregional Comics by Leonard Rifas; Cities: Salvaging the Parts by Gary Snyder, Ernest Callenbach, Murray Bookchin and Morris Berman; and contributions by Jacques Ellul,  Tom Birch,  Peter Blue Cloud, Michael McClure, and Peter Berg.



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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review #7 – What’s Happening to the Water Web?

By Judy Goldhaft / December 24, 2020 / 0 Comments

This issue has a special focus  on water. The Water Web section  includes Donald Worster’s  The Flow of Power; articles about the Columbia River and terminal lakes; and contributions from Jim Dodge and John Trudell.  Centerfold photo essay, Songs of the Outback by Warwick Nieass


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Raise the Stakes, The Planet Drum Review, – Anthology Set of #29 & #30

By Josh Wilson / December 26, 2020 / 0 Comments

A celebration of twenty years Raising the Stakes, featuring writings by Kat Anderson, Peter Bane, Peter Berg, Morris Berman, Murray Bookchin, Ernest Callenbach, Freeman House, David McCloskey, Gary Snyder, John Trudell and others.


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