Project Manager’s Report #2

Jeff Goddin, Eco-Bahia Projects Manager

Planet Drum activities in the week since Peter and Judy left have included getting more seedlings ready, working with the Fanca school and Eco-Club, coordinating with the Municipio and Katty Pazmiño the responsibilities of Planet Drum and the Municipio towards Fanca and how that will evolve through the November 15th contract termination date to include more community participation, and continued improvements to the the Maria Auxiliadora Park. 

Jeff worked with the students from a local high school, la Inmaculada, to prepare about 600 sacks for seedlings on Monday. Also, the Municipio provided a vehicle for general Fanca needs on Thursday and so we collected chicken manure and sawdust for compost maintenance. Meetings with Katty Pazmiño and the mayor clarified the business plan for Fanca, which will divide 60% of the produce equally among groups who labor in the patio per hours worked (including Planet Drum, the municipio, Fanca residents, school groups, and the Eco-Club), will set aside 15% for incentives for separating organic waste among Fanca residents and in the Market, and will leave 25% for sale and municipal use to cover maintenance and operating costs. 

Chris continued to work with Maria Auxiliadora and has now replaced most of the steps than had been lost. Also, he has been getting signs made to help with the self-guided tour brochure produced by Darcie Luce we’re using. 

Kristen has been working with the Eco-Club and the Fanca Rotary school kids. They prepared another 500 sacks for seedlings last week. Also, Kristen began painting in the volunteer center.

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