Jeff Goddin

Project Manager’s Report # 3

By Jeff Goddin | November 8, 2002

Jeff Goddin, Project Manager Report Maria Auxiliadora Park: Steps are in and signs are going in in the eight spots on the map. Community meetings are going well, with a couple tours already given, and many people beginning to come together to talk about ideas that have been around before. This means, that people are talking about an interpretive center, t-shirts or something for tour […]

Project Manager’s Report #2

By Jeff Goddin | October 7, 2002

Jeff Goddin, Eco-Bahia Projects Manager Planet Drum activities in the week since Peter and Judy left have included getting more seedlings ready, working with the Fanca school and Eco-Club, coordinating with the Municipio and Katty Pazmiño the responsibilities of Planet Drum and the Municipio towards Fanca and how that will evolve through the November 15th contract termination date to include more community participation, and continued […]

Looking for Resources

By Jeff Goddin | August 1, 2002

Jeff Goddin, Eco-Bahia Projects Manager I sit at a table in a half-finished house as the street sounds, neighbor’s voices, and the smell of fresh baked bread waft in to distract me from writing this introduction to my Ecuador experience for the Planet Drum community. So, you’re probably wondering who I am. I’m a 27 year old male from Ohio, with work experience in chemical […]