The News Doesn’t Come From One Place:
Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports):
- Peter Adler—Hawaii,
- Edward Goldsmith—Regionalism in Europe and Africa
- David Haenke—Ozarkia Report, an interview by Peter Berg and Judy Goldhaft
- Rufus Daimant—Oakland Report: A Voice From Corridor 17, talking
- Murray Bookchin—Notes and Reflections of an Old New Yorker
- High Quality Information, Jim Dodge
- Media and Monoculture (Technology and Culture)
- The Cloning of Consciousness, Jerry Mander, talking
- An Interview with Jerry Mander, an interview by Michael Helm
- 4th World Assembly, An Interview with Peter Berg (Politics), an interview by Michael Helm
- Reclaiming Home Base: City & Country
- The Wisconsin Street Site, Fred Stout (Ethics), talking
- Homesteading on the Mattole, An Interview With David Simpson, interview by Michael Helm
- Regional Agriculture and Seed Patenting
- Seed Patenting: Plant Varietal Rights, Daryl Sipos
- Regional Self-Sufficiency in Agriculture, Daryl Sipos
The Place I Live In, Sandra Dasmann
Matthew J. Miles
Reviewed by Jerry Martien
- Water & Power: The Peripheral Canal and its Alternatives by Harry Dennis
Reviewed by Anon
- City Country Miners edited by Michael Helm
Planet Drum Update
Recent activities, how to get involved, items for sale, masthead
Arthur Okamura, Robert Watts, Judy Goldhaft, Skylark, Peter Danaher, Coni Tarquini, Aaron Rosenberg, Michael Myers, Van der Ryn, Calthorpe & Partners, Kinney, phlance.
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