Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Bioregional Booklets & Bahia Viewed from the Lookout

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #1

Bioregionalism Education
Summer Session 2007

May 30

This Wednesday we began a new cycle of Bioregional Education classes. Students received Bioregionalismo booklets made by Planet Drum volunteers. Clay passed out the booklets and welcomed the fifteen students who are from different parts of Bahia and San Vicente. With the help of some of the students who have been in this class before, we went over the characteristics which make up the bioregion of Bahia. After a discussion we began to read the booklet together. At home, students started answering some of the questions in the booklet.

June 1st

On Friday we gathered at the school to take a field trip to the Mirador (lookout) at the statue of a cross above the city. From on top of the hill overlooking Bahia we were able to point out the main distinct natural characteristics which define Bahia’s bioregion such as the mountains to the south of the city, the Leonida’s Plaza suburb, the green spaces within Bahia, the watersheds flowing into the Chone river; and the students were able to see first hand the examples from their booklets.

Additionally, we are planning to form a high school eco-club which will be called “Bioregionalistas Eco-Club”.

Translated by Clay

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