Summer 2007 Introductory Bioregional Class: Drawing Bioregional Characteristics

Ramon Loor’s Weekly Report #3

Bioregionalism Education
Summer Session 2007

June 13th & 15th

On Wednesday the 13th class began with a new helper, a volunteer from the Planet Drum Foundation. We split into two work groups where the theme of the day was to remember the different sites seen on our various outings. Both groups had to draw the bioregion of Bahia, identifying various characteristics that make up a bioregion while drawing. They accomplished this with confidence. Afterwards, one person from each group gave a presentation of the drawings. This activity helped to reinforce the students understanding of what a bioregion is.

On Friday we went on a walk to Cerro Seco Reserva and followed one of the nature trails there. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to finish the hike because one of the girls hurt her foot. But later while sitting in a group together we saw a woodpecker, which none of the students had seen before. They liked its different colors: red, black and green. The students are talking about organizing a small cleanup one day since we’ve seen a lot of trash on our field trips. The class is also discussing the possibility of creating a small garden to grow our own food.

Translated by Clay.

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