Chris Haaf

2002 Chris Haaf: Report #5 (Supplement to Report #4)

By Chris Haaf | November 8, 2002

Chris HaafPlanet Drum Volunteer The revegetation project does have some serious problems but I did not explain the sources of the difficulties well. We have all been planting a lot of seeds. Jeff with the girls from the Immaculada School, Kristen with kids from the Rotary School, and each of individually has been working and planting. We have tried many different methods but have had […]

2002 Chris Haaf: Report #4

By Chris Haaf | November 8, 2002

Chris HaafPlanet Drum Volunteer Jeff and Simon arrived here safely this week from Quito and Guayquil respectively. Simon was able to get himself onto a bus for Bahia even though he speaks zero Spanish at this point. (No small task.) Projects are coming along. Yesterday a concrete guy helped us put the first two signs in the park. We are going to give them a […]

2002 Chris Haaf: Report #3

By Chris Haaf | October 22, 2002

Chris HaafPlanet Drum Volunteer Good news as far as the steps go. Matt went to Cerro Seco this weekend and saw some stairs there which are built out of several smaller branches that you can find anywhere. So the stairs have been completely rebuilt, mostly by Matt with some help from me. We are working on clearing trails and general beautification of the park. 

2002 Chris Haaf: Report #2

By Chris Haaf | October 19, 2002

Chris HaafPlanet Drum Volunteer We have been busy getting the new volunteers (Sara, Rita, and Matt) introduced to everything that is going on. i have been at fanca several days recently working on filling bags with compost to plant seeds. The stairs have been replaced in Maria Auxiliadora. A few days after finishing the stairs, Kristen and I took some of the kids from the […]