Eco Ecuador Staff

Seed Collection in El Astillero

By Eco Ecuador Staff | January 24, 2019

José María from El Astillero neighborhood tipped me off that there were loads of Grosella seeds ready for harvesting. Grosella fruits can be used to make a traditional wine and the fruits are also a popular snack, so the species is highly requested for planting. We spent the morning collecting several bucket loads of seeds, which were sorted into seeds for making a batch of wine […]

Community Tree Planting Workshop: Pampilandia

By Eco Ecuador Staff | January 18, 2019

I arranged a community tree planting workshop with residents from the Pampilandia community, which is located alongside the road to the greenhouse—approximately 6 kilometers from Bahía (2 km before the greenhouse). One resident, Polo, in particular was very excited about the prospect of planting trees, and he helped motivate a handful of his neighbors to participate in the work. In total, 35 native fruit trees were […]

Tree Production at the Greenhouse

By Eco Ecuador Staff | January 17, 2019

At Planet Drum’s main greenhouse at the Catholic University, we began transplanting seedlings that were large enough to be moved into repurposed plastic bottles. Compost was sifted and soil was mixed with rice hulls, which had recently been delivered from a rice processor in Charapoto. The rice hulls help with soil aeration and filtration. Volunteers cut recycled plastic bottles to convert them into containers for […]

Greenhouse Overhaul

By Eco Ecuador Staff | January 8, 2019

In January a group of volunteers from the One World Institute joined the project for a few weeks. Their help was crucial for doing a major reorganization of the greenhouse. Trees were sorted by species, weeds removed, and fresh soil added to bottles where the soil had compacted over time. At this time, there are 21 different species and a total of 4269 trees: