Patrick Wylie

2300 seedlings inventoried in the expanded greenhouse.

By Patrick Wylie | September 3, 2006

August 28-September 3, 2006 The greenhouse received a lot of love and affection last week. After nearly two months of construction we began a fresh inventory of the seedlings. With nearly 2300 seedlings we began reorganizing to make room for the upcoming growing season (November). It is incredibly helpful to have nearly double the amount of space following our renovations — thanks to all who […]

Unseasonal rains and changing views.

By Patrick Wylie | August 27, 2006

August 21-27, 2006 What a difference a week can make! Following a light sprinkling of ash from the recent volcanic eruption of Tungurahua to our east, the weather here has changed. Every day for the last 8 days it has rained. Not only is rain in August unheard of here, but we are receiving five or six hours of torrential rains. It is quite reminiscent […]

Watering collaboration in the persistent dry season

By Patrick Wylie | August 20, 2006

August 16-20, 2006 Greetings from the Pacific Coast of Ecuador! The dry season persists here in Bahia, and with the lack of rain we continue to water the 500+ trees that are planted in the surrounding hills.  As our site at La Cruz had recently begun being cooked by the sun, we have increased the amount of water we are giving the trees. Unlike most […]

Plantings from the past two years now up to 5 metres high!

By Patrick Wylie | August 13, 2006

August 7-13, 2006 Our last week was filled with the smiles. While celebrating the Ecuadorian Battle of Independence (10 de Agosto) we welcomed 13 students from a local scool to our greenhouse. As part of the continuing Bioregional Education Program children’s seminars being held, these fifth graders were another success. After watering, transplanting and composting at the greenhouse we hiked overland through a new trail […]

Leaf mulch and GPS

By Patrick Wylie | August 6, 2006

July 31-August 6, 2006 We worked extensively this week in Bosque Encantado. The volunteer group is really efficient these days and we have been able to complete a lot of trail and maintenance work. All the trails have been cleared of the verano (summer) shrubs and we have been able to begin the inventory/labelling work for our seedlings. Catherine has begun preparing GPS maps for all […]

Seed collection season has begun.

By Patrick Wylie | July 30, 2006

July 24-30, 2006 Although the week seemed like it was rather short, much was accomplished by our three international and two Ecuadorian volunteers. Construction in the greenhouse is now finished. Our seedbeds have had compost added, turned and been made a foot deeper. This increased depth, in addition to some drainage gravel, should allow for stronger root development in seedlings. The seed collection season has begun, […]

Learning to make a thatched roof, adding 300 meters of new trails.

By Patrick Wylie | July 23, 2006

Patrick Wylie, Field Project ManagerPlanet Drum FoundationJuly 17-23, 2006 This has been the most productive week of my tenure here at Planet Drum! In addition to our usual watering of 400+ planted trees, we undertook major construction projects throughout the work week. On Tuesday we gathered up all the eco-locos (local term for greenies in the city) and had a construction work-party at the greenhouse. […]

We continue to water and tend sites twice a week.

By Patrick Wylie | July 16, 2006

July 10-16, 2006 Bahia and the hills which surround it look drier and browner by the week. However there are streaks of green that appear throughout the landscape… seedlings we are maintaining in El Toro, Bosque Encantado and our other sites are growing strong! Some are nearly overhead now! We continue to water and tend to these sites twice a week.  We have begun collecting […]

Greenhouse improvements and new volunteers.

By Patrick Wylie | July 9, 2006

July 3-9, 2006 Pretty quiet week here on the home front… dry and cool. Great time to be working and volunteering here on the Ecuadorian coast! Late in the week, with the help of local volunteers Jaime and Cheo, we raced through our watering sites (Cherry Tree, El Toro, La Cruz and Bosque Encantado).  But what about early in the week you may ask? We […]

Provincial Environmental Assembly, and Ecuador wins Futbol game.

By Patrick Wylie | June 11, 2006

June 5-11, 2006 It rained three times last week! This isn’t supposed to happen. It was fantastic to hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof! Otherwise, pretty quiet down here on the work front. We’ve settled in to a pretty regular schedule for watering twice weekly at El Toro and Bosque Encantado. We get out once a week to maintain and water our plantings […]