February-March 3, 2011 The past few weeks have been filled with lots of sun, hard work, and above all tons of tree planting. The Dr. Parra revegetation site has been completed and is the largest site to date with just over 700 native trees planted on a series of hills which wrap around his property. […]
Read MoreJanuary-February 3, 2011 Welcome to 2011. This year we are starting off with more trees in the greenhouse than ever before. The rainy season commenced in late December and after a slow start appears to have really gotten going now with regular rains and sprinkles during many of the nights. The days are hot, humid […]
Read MoreOctober-December, 2010 Pásalo bien,Clay
Read MoreReport #3 December 30, 2010By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner Cancún’s Question: Is Climate Change an Issue for “Social Movements” or Just Another Business Proposition? Click on photos for larger images In seeking opinion to help determine the relative success or failure of the UN climate change conference in Cancún this year, it is impossible not […]
Read MoreCircles, ellipses, curvesbring us to this turn point lunging unquenchable bulged desire(eating to live) hosting millions of organismswithout knowing themuntil all left alivestill feed without knowing us each our own planetout of cold space and witless unknowing this parabola of another year completes again what remains to flame our sensing souls.
Read MoreGroup B Professor: Nadine FlexhaugAssistant: Roberto RodriguezPlanet Drum FoundationBioregional Education Program Final Reports 2010 Photos below Now half way through the Bioregionalism Educational Program, everyone is a little more familiar with what a bioregion consists of and how we as human beings can interact with the environment in a more sustainable way. Covering the theme of […]
Read MoreProfessor – Group A: Ramón CedeñoPlanet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramFinal Reports-English(Click here for Spanish/Español) photos below. 2010 At this stage, we were visited by William and Jaime, two volunteers who participated in the last three bioregional education programs. The first thing I did was present them, one at a time, to the group of bio-regional explorers. Afterwards […]
Read MorePhotographs of Closing Ceremony Note: Click on photos for larger image Bioregionalismo kids hanging out during the final class celebration. Shirley presents to the other kids about what she learned during the program. The children present to each other about their favorite parts of the classes. The kids get to play on the beach for the […]
Read MorePhotographs of Isla Corazon Note: Click on photos for larger image The BEP students arrive for the Isla Corazon visit. The guide, Francisco, from Isla Corazon talks to the children as they ride along side the mangrove island in a boat. View of Fragata (Frigate) birds and the mangroves. A boat with kids driving by. Students […]
Read MoreGroup C Professor: Margarita Avila [aka Plager-Unger]Planet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramFinal Reports 2010 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below. Report # 5Topic: Land Ecosystems Today I explained how animal and plant life develops and explained how humans are included in this cycle. It is the most practical way of learning more of about land ecosystems. […]
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