
Copenhagen (COP 15) 2009
Report #3, Action Day?

By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner / December 16, 2009 / 0 Comments

Report #3 December 16, 2009By David Simpson  and Jane Lapiner Action Day? A wet snow fell in Copenhagen last night, dusting the streets and putting an added new chill in the air. In the collective houses, houseboats and apartments of Chistiana, Copenhagen’s fabled squatter enclave, thousands of activists who have been marching and demonstrating throughout the […]

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Copenhagen (COP 15) 2009
Report #2, What is the Copenhagen Climate Conference Like?

By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner / December 16, 2009 / 0 Comments

Report #2 December 16, 2009By David Simpson  and Jane Lapiner What is the Copenhagen Climate Conference Like? Being at COP 15* in Copenhagen is an experience for which there is no adequate precedent, especially for a climate-change conference novice like myself. I admit that I have never before attended an event with 30,000 other people who […]

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Copenhagen (COP 15) 2009
Report #1, En Route to Copenhagen

By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner / December 16, 2009 / Comments Off on Copenhagen (COP 15) 2009
Report #1, En Route to Copenhagen

Report #1 December 11, 2009By David Simpson and Jane Lapiner En Route to Copenhagen The first challenge to our sortie out into the world, for which the intention is to be present at the higher councils where the climate crisis might be diminished, came before we’d even gotten out of Humboldt County. It was during the security […]

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By the time the rains hit, we will have trails leading to approximately 3,000 holes waiting for their native tree to be planted.

By Clay Plager-Unger / October 6, 2009 / 0 Comments

Sept. 23-Oct.6, 2009 Work on the first new revegetation site (for 2010) has commenced. With machetes we clear trails to be able to navigate the site and holes are dug for planting the trees once the rains begin (late December or early January?). This site is actually a piece of land that is owned by […]

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During the past two weeks, all ten sites from this year (2009) were visited and received water.

By Clay Plager-Unger / September 22, 2009 / 0 Comments

Sept.7-22, 2009 The lull in volunteer help subsided and we welcomed the arrival of six new volunteers. Mateo helped show them the ropes and after he left, I became the only North American left. Now there is an Australian couple, two German girls traveling together and another who showed up last minute as well as […]

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Seed collecting.

By Clay Plager-Unger / September 4, 2009 / 0 Comments

Aug. 17-Sept. 4, 2009 Upon my return from a two week trip the U.S. to visit family and friends and be forcibly reminded of why I love life in Ecuador so much, things had quieted down considerably. Five volunteers had departed during that time, but not before they watered the majority of the revegetation sites. […]

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2009 Bioregional Education Class: Producing Bioregional Presentations for an Open House at School – Paola

By Paola Divito / August 3, 2009 / 0 Comments

Paola’s Report #4 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 Week of Aug. 3, 2009 – English Photos below   I had no idea what it meant to have an “Open House”, which is what all three Bioregionalism classes were scheduled to have this week. At our Monday meeting, I was told that it meant that each class would […]

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Chino helps care for sites with a truck and two water tanks and the trees respond well.

By Clay Plager-Unger / July 30, 2009 / 0 Comments

July 2-30, 2009 This time of the year, the dry season, requires maintenance for the revegetation sites that were planted this past rainy season as well as producing new trees in the greenhouse for next year’s sites. We’ve been watering sites on a regular basis. Recently I met with our friend Chino and he now […]

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Bioregional Sustainability Institute (BSI) Progress Report

By Clay Plager-Unger / July 29, 2009 / 0 Comments

July 2 & July 29, 2009 In one long epic day we drove in to the Planet Drum land with a load of Bamboo (Caña) to begin the first structure for the Bioregional Sustainability Institute: a tent platform. This was the first trip with a motorized vehicle. Chino (the one and only, the incredible) drove […]

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2009 Bioregional Education Class: The Watershed & Adventures in the Mud – Paola

By Paola Divito / July 20, 2009 / 0 Comments

Paola’s Report #3 Bioregionalism EducationSummer Session, 2009 Week of July 20, 2009 – English   Photos below It was 3:05 pm as I pedaled my bike hurriedly towards the park. All I need to do to find my class is to look for the big cluster of light blue T-shirts. There is a usual spot we […]

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