
Looking for Resources

By Jeff Goddin / August 1, 2002 / 0 Comments

Jeff Goddin, Eco-Bahia Projects Manager I sit at a table in a half-finished house as the street sounds, neighbor’s voices, and the smell of fresh baked bread waft in to distract me from writing this introduction to my Ecuador experience for the Planet Drum community. So, you’re probably wondering who I am. I’m a 27 […]

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Report #3: Revegetation Project, Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador

By Lisa Kundrat / April 1, 2002 / 0 Comments

Lisa Kundrat, Field Assistant Last Wednesday morning accompanied Marcelo Luque and Linsey, his volunteer, to Kilometro 8, one site where he has been working with Laura Commike on Planet Drum’s reforestation project in Leonidas Plaza. Pedro met us there and gave Linsey and I tips on our machete wielding techniques as we slashed small circles […]

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Report #2: Fanca Produce

By Lisa Kundrat / March 29, 2002 / 0 Comments

Lisa Kundrat, Field Assistant A week of storms and heat, of transition, of visiting, walking, listening. Been raining nearly every night, every morning, sweat dripping hot in between. There were nights when no one slept, thunder that made us crouch in our beds, lightning we could see with our eyes closed. Tried to plant in […]

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Eco-Ecuador 2002 Report # 1: First Impressions

By Lisa Kundrat / March 13, 2002 / Comments Off on Eco-Ecuador 2002 Report # 1: First Impressions

Lisa Kundrat, Field Assistant Received a letter from home. Spoke of cold hail running through apple wood ash. Makes me miss Montana these days when I have been questioning my role here, in this place that is not my own, where I am only just learning the feel of the hot ocean, learning to speak. […]

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The “Bear” in the Bosque and Other Outcomes

By Peter Berg / February 22, 2002 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Since it became unoccupied due to mud slides three and a half years ago, Bosque en Medio de Las Ruinas revegetation park in Maria Auxiliadpra barrio has been slowly evolving as a habitat. Our eyes have been trained on the progress of planted grass, brush and trees with only momentary interruptions […]

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Dancing Public Revegetation onto Private Land

By Peter Berg / February 17, 2002 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador Eduardo “Cheo” took on the role of locating owners of land on the eroded hillsides above Leonidas Plaza to enroll them in revegetation activities out of his dedication to ecological betterment of the Rio Chone Bioregion. A high school English teacher by profession, he has often aided other dry tropical forest […]

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Carnaval Heat

By Peter Berg / February 12, 2002 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador The shredded comic strip atmosphere of Carnaval has infiltrated the city and holds us in a friendly but insistent grip like a grinning drunk. We aren’t always sure what to say because we aren’t sure of what we’ve really seen. The invasion began almost imperceptibly on Monday when I saw a […]

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Winter Olympic Action
Guard Fox Watch: 2002 Salt Lake City, USA
Why Take on the Winter Olympics, and What Came of the Effort?

By Peter Berg / February 11, 2002 / 0 Comments

Why Take on the Winter Olympics, and What Came of the Effort? Planet Drum Foundation has opposed the environmental impacts of the Winter Olympics since 1996. It was then that wildlife biologist Kimiharu To who was studying ptarmigan birds in the Hakuba Mountains of Nagano, Japan and working as a part-time ski guide and rice […]

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Rain Included at Extra Cost

By Peter Berg / February 7, 2002 / 0 Comments

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador A month late, the annual rainy season has begun with a drenching vengeance. It began lightly, just sparkling the night pavement shortly before I arrived in Guayaquil, and continued intermittently a few days later while waiting to pick up new volunteers Darcie Luce and Lisa Kundrat at the airport. On the […]

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Winter Olympic Action
Guard Fox Watch: 2002 Salt Lake City, USA
OLYMPICS; Greenest Games Ever? Not!

By Martin A. Lee / February 3, 2002 / 0 Comments

OLYMPICS; Greenest Games Ever? Not! Los Angeles TimesFebruary 3, 2002 Opinion; Part M; Page 1; Editorial Pages Desk It will cost nearly $2 billion to stage the Salt Lake City Olympics–almost $800,000 per athlete–with U.S. taxpayers picking up about a quarter of the tab. Partly due to increased security, the Utah Games, which start on Feb. […]

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