
Not for Tourists: the Planet Drum Roadshow

By Planet Drum Staff / May 24, 1984 / Comments Off on Not for Tourists: the Planet Drum Roadshow

Reviewed by Pierce Butler in Voice of the Turtle, 5/ 24/ 84 at the First North American Bioregional Congress The Siskiyou Mountains came to the heartland prairies Wednesday night – they glowed, they swam, they leaped and sang and told long stories without a beginning or an end. With a little help from a white […]

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Raise the Stakes #9: LIVELIER SENSE

By Planet Drum Staff / March 21, 1984 / 0 Comments

Livelier Sense Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles PoetryThe Rocks Along the Coast, Jerry Martien Weaving Alliances Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsRiffsReviewed by Robert C. Watts ReadsReviewed by Jeanne Carstensen Reviewed by Robert C. Watts ReelsReviewed by Robert C. Watts Planet Drum PulseStakes Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office. Planet […]

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Raise the Stakes #8: RECOVERING AUTONOMY

By Planet Drum Staff / September 21, 1983 / 0 Comments

Recovering Autonomy Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsReadsReviewed by Robert C. Watts Reviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Reina Schwartz RiffsReviewed by Jim Rosenau Planet Drum PulseStakes Raisers and Planet Drum adventures in and out of the office. Planet Drum PublicationsActivities, how to get involved, items for sale and masthead. […]

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By Peter Berg / June 30, 1983 / 0 Comments

Bioregions is the precursor to Berg’s 2002 revision, Bioregionalism: An Introduction. This article, which originally appeared in the British periodical Resurgence #98 (May/June 1983), provides context for the evolution of bioregional thinking. It serves as both an introduction and a reference for bioregional thinking, with clear and concise definitions of bioregion and reinhabitation, as well as […]

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Bioregion and Human Location

By Peter Berg / April 11, 1983 / Comments Off on Bioregion and Human Location

Bioregion and Human Location was a talk that Peter gave at the University of North Carolina in 1982 (published originally in All Area #2, Spring 1983). It lays out the argument that “there has to be a new politics based on reincorporating the social and natural sciences together in a way that is appropriate for […]

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Raise the Stakes #7: What’s Happening to THE WATER WEB

By Planet Drum Staff / March 21, 1983 / 0 Comments

What’s Happening to the Water Web? Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles—The Water Web Reviews: Riffs, Reads & ReelsRiffs & ReadsReviewed by Robert C. Watts ReelsReviewed by Peter Berg Weaving Alliances edited by Sheila Rose PurcellDirect Networking, an editorial, & Opening for Networker, an announcement by Sheila Rose Purcell Planet Drum PulseStake Raisers and Planet […]

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Raise the Stakes #6: HARVESTING THE TRASH

By Planet Drum Staff / January 1, 1983 / 0 Comments

Harvesting the Trash Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles PoetryThe Unbroken Chain, Reider Ekner LetterLetter From Sweden, Gary Snyder TributeMichael Myers (1948-1982), Holbrook (Teter)This issue is a tribute to Michael Myers and his graphics, which he generously provided to Planet Drum over the years. ReviewsGood Cooks know where They Live, Reviewed by Robert C. Watts […]

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Raise the Stakes #5: NATURAL PROVISION

By Planet Drum Staff / March 21, 1982 / 0 Comments

Natural Provision Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles PoetryOld Woman Nature, Gary Snyder Letters AnnouncementAnti-Nuke Poems Wanted, Abalone Alliance ReviewsReviewed by Peter Berg Reviewed by Robert C. Watts Reviewed by Michael Helm Reviewed by Sheila Purcell Planet Drum Update GraphicsRobert Watts, Skylark & Dusty Atkins, Dan Budnick, Linda Dietrich, No Place to Go, Nancy Von […]

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By Planet Drum Staff / January 1, 1982 / 0 Comments

The News Doesn’t Come From One Place: Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports): Articles PoetryThe Place I Live In, Sandra Dasmann LetterMatthew J. Miles ReviewsReviewed by Jerry Martien Reviewed by Anon Planet Drum UpdateRecent activities, how to get involved, items for sale, masthead GraphicsArthur Okamura, Robert Watts, Judy Goldhaft, Skylark, Peter Danaher, Coni Tarquini, Aaron Rosenberg, […]

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By Planet Drum Staff / June 21, 1981 / 0 Comments

Cities: Salvaging the Parts Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports) Articles Poetry AnnouncementThird World Ranch ReviewsReviewed by Robert C. Watts Reviewed by Michael Helm Planet Drum UpdateActivities, how to get involved, items for sale, masthead Editorial GraphicsMichael Davidson, Hexacanthion Astercanthion, Nancy Eckel, Michael Myers, Nancy Von Stoutenberg Note: The PDF below is searchable if downloaded. Download.

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