Bioregional Education

Ecuador Project Report: Heather Crawford, Jan.–July 2005

By Heather Crawford | July 30, 2005

Heather Crawford, Field Project Manager Planet Drum Foundation  March 15th to 20th, 2005 We are doing fine according to our timeline. The Dairy Farm site was planted three times this week with the help of Carlos Franco (son), Andrea (Renée’s friend), two traveling volunteers from Quito, and two workers from Bella Vista who came because of the meeting I had with the Municipio’s agronomist working on […]

Japan Dispatches—2005

By Peter Berg | July 25, 2005

In the summer of 2005, Peter Berg returned to Japan. Here we published his reports as we received them. Dispatch #1, Colors Are The Deeds Of Light, July 5, 2005. An exposition of Peter Berg’s bioregional sustainability presentation for eco-philosopher Yuichi Inouye’s Seika University classes with in depth responses to Q & A’s. Dispatch #2, Finding the Future in the Mud, July 10, 2005. Ecological prophecies and excitement in […]

Label signs for the seeds that the Bioregional Education Program had sowed.

By Heather Crawford | June 12, 2005

June 6-12, 2005 Aside from the usual greenhouse activities (watering, composting, clearing out dead plants, organizing), we did a lot of structural maintenance as dogs had broken in. We reinforced certain sections with wooden posts and/or chicken wire. Also continued fixing the seed beds. We put up plant label signs for the seeds that the Bioregional Education Program had sowed, and remounted the Planet Drum […]

Japan Dispatches, 2004

By Peter Berg | October 20, 2004

Peter and Judy returned to Japan on the Autumnal Equinox 2004. Soon after, we started receiving dispatches from this journey. Ecology leader and Planet Drum Foundation Board Member Kimiharu To acted as networker supreme as well as guide and interpreter for travels & presentations. Dispatch #1, A Prescription for Japan’s Cities, Sept. 26, 2004. A discussion about urban problems and examples of a workshop/presentation and proactive […]

Ecuador Project Report: Christina Knott, Aug. 2004

By Christina Knott | August 16, 2004

Christina Knott, VolunteerPlanet Drum Foundation Hola Chicos, Let me start off by saying that I don’t know how Planet Drum managed for so long without the bamboo watering system that is now in place.  The work that used to take all morning can be done in about twenty minutes.  The pipes are placed in the ground beside young and newly transplanted trees.  The goal is […]

Working on educational games for a kids’ Tour

By Christina Knott | August 16, 2004

August 16, 2004 We are back down to one group. Several volunteers have left this week and more are leaving next week. Greenhouse:  A lot of work has been done at the greenhouse this week.  The hillside and the greenhouse plants have been watered. I believe the greenhouse itself is being watered on an almost daily basis thanks to the university students who are helping […]

Learning to Partner with a Life-Place

By Peter Berg | June 12, 2004

Learning to Partner With a Life-Place is the outline of a first year bioregional curriculum. It was first published June 12, 2004 as Dispatch #1 from Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador.  On a fog-wet spring morning in San Francisco, our unusual urban group climbed to the top of a rock promontory midway along a canyon trail to   get a clear view of the standout feature in […]

Eco-Ciudad Community Bioregional Education Program

By Peter Berg and Elise Braaten | March 15, 2004

Peter Berg and Elise Braaten collaborated on a neighborhood oriented educational curriculum that will be launched June 2004 by Planet Drum Foundation in Bahia de Caraquez. Objective: To develop and carry out a bioregional education program for children and adults.  It is oriented toward accomplishing ongoing projects that feature lessons, workshops and exercises based upon relationships between specific bioregional features and human economic, social and […]

Bioregionalism: An Introduction (2002)

By Peter Berg | October 27, 2002

Bioregionalism is an update of Peter’s 1983 essay Bioregions.  Why bioregions are important, clear and concise definitions, as well as manifestations of bioregionalism—groups, history, relationships to other concepts, and attacks by global monoculture.  At the end of this article is a paragraph of Berg’s from 2009 about the importance of a bioregional point of view. * * * The catastrophic effects on Earth’s biosphere due to human […]

2001 Bioregional Asia Tour: Reports by Peter Berg

By Peter Berg | August 1, 2001

Three Dispatches are below from Japan, China and Mongolia(most photos by Judy Goldhaft, some by Peter Berg and some by Kimiharu To) Bioregionalism Finds Eager Audiences In Japan Planet Drum Foundation concluded a three week, five city tour of Japan on May 30th titled “Bioregionalism: Proactive Approaches to Sharing the Earth.” Peter Berg and Judy Goldhaft presented over a dozen talks, map-making workshops, and performances of […]