Bioregional Education

2011 Bioregional Education Class: May Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | May 30, 2011

Planet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramReport #1, May 2011 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)Teacher: Margarita Avila Napa [aka Margarita Plager-Unger] Today is the first day of the Bioregionalism classes. We are beginning a new adventure this year. I am working with the students from the Genesis School. They are between 13 and 15 years old, so they are already adolescents. They are from two different grades at […]

2011 Bioregional Education Class: May Report – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | May 30, 2011

Ramon CedeñoDirector, Bioregional Education ProgramPlanet Drum FoundationBioregionalismo Report #1, 2011 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below. Another year of Bioregionalismo class commences. This year we are working with three educational institutions: the girls school Juan Pio Montúfar, Genesis high school, and the national high school Fanny de Baird, with whom we worked last year. There are three new class assistants, two students from last year: Noemi […]

2010 Bioregional Education Class: Final Report – Nadine

By Nadine Flexhaug | December 13, 2010

Group B Professor: Nadine FlexhaugAssistant: Roberto RodriguezPlanet Drum FoundationBioregional Education Program Final Reports 2010 Photos below Now half way through the Bioregionalism Educational Program, everyone is a little more familiar with what a bioregion consists of and how we as human beings can interact with the environment in a more sustainable way. Covering the theme of ¨suelo¨, (soil) in week 7, we talked to the kids […]

2010 Bioregional Education Class: Final Report – Ramon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | December 13, 2010

Professor – Group A: Ramón CedeñoPlanet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramFinal Reports-English(Click here for Spanish/Español) photos below. 2010 At this stage, we were visited by William and Jaime, two volunteers who participated in the last three bioregional education programs. The first thing I did was present them, one at a time, to the group of bio-regional explorers.  Afterwards we started class with a new topic: the estuary. The […]

2010 Bioregional Education: Photos – Closing Ceremony

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | December 13, 2010

Photographs of Closing Ceremony Note: Click on photos for larger image Bioregionalismo kids hanging out during the final class celebration. Shirley presents to the other kids about what she learned during the program.  The children present to each other about their favorite parts of the classes. The kids get to play on the beach for the afternoon. The different groups join up for a big game […]

2010 Bioregional Education: Photos – Isla Corazon

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | December 13, 2010

Photographs of Isla Corazon Note: Click on photos for larger image The BEP students arrive for the Isla Corazon visit. The guide, Francisco, from Isla Corazon talks to the children as they ride along side the mangrove island in a boat. View of Fragata (Frigate) birds and the mangroves. A boat with kids driving by. Students try planting mangrove seeds by dropping them in the mud. […]

2010 Bioregional Education Class: Final Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | December 13, 2010

Group C Professor: Margarita Avila [aka Plager-Unger]Planet Drum FoundationBioregional Education ProgramFinal Reports 2010 – English(Click here for Spanish/Español) Photos below. Report # 5Topic: Land Ecosystems Today I explained how animal and plant life develops and explained how humans are included in this cycle. It is the most practical way of learning more of about land ecosystems. We talked about the most important topics: habitat, forests, fauna […]

Bioregional Sustainability Institute (BSI)

By Peter Berg | November 30, 2010

Planet Drum Foundation purchased land outside the city of Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador to expand the Bioregional Education Projects to include adults and college students. In 2010 Peter Berg wrote A School to Retrieve the Future, an essay describing the newly initiated BSI—the vision behind the Institute and it’s curriculum.  (Note: this is no longer available. It is included as archival historical information.) A Call for […]

A School to Retrieve the Future

By Peter Berg | November 18, 2010

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador These are life-altering times across the planet for practically all major aspects of human endeavor. Arching over the shifts that are taking place in social, political, economic, and cultural areas that all of us are experiencing is the urgent need to recognize and accommodate our species’ utter dependence on the viability of Earth’s natural systems. It is a mutual concern shared […]

2010 Bioregional Education Class: Midterm Report – Margarita

By Margarita Plager-Unger | July 6, 2010

Midterm reports – English(Click here for Spanish/Español)Group C, Margarita Plager-Unger Photos below. May 12th, 2010Theme – Bioregions The first day was a new experience for everyone. On the faces of the children I could see curiosity, happiness and uneasiness because many did not know what bioregionalism is or why they were there. One student immediately grabbed my attention, Bombila. He was very angry with all the other […]