
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

Planting begins next week!

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 16, 2008

December 29, 2008-January 16, 2009 Summary: House repairs continued. Stakes for tree markers are cut and painted. A new site at Bosque Encantado is created. Completed house repairs include (but are not limited to): hiring a contractor to repaint the front of the house, refinishing the Planet Drum sign, repairing the sign’s metal hanger that was in danger of falling to the sidewalk below, overhauling a […]

Mural Report

By Fred Alvarado | January 11, 2008

In January 2008 I had a chance to work on a mural project for the outside wall of a school in Bahia De Caraquez, Ecuador.  I was assisted by the children of the Valverde Elementary School and students of the Bahia Bioregionalismo youth group. I was helped by volunteers from Planet Drum: Clay, Jasper, Darlene, Sam, and adults from the community, Cheo and Ramón.  This […]

The New Year marked the beginning of the rainy season

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 11, 2008

December 17, 2007– January 11, 2008 A New Year brings a new Rainy Season… In the week before Christmas we were watering and keeping the greenhouse house operating at full tilt. All of the revegetation sites received their weekly dosage of water, 1/3 of a gallon per tree.  In the greenhouse, fresh batches of soil were prepared with river sand, compost, dark dirt, and a […]

SF muralist Fred Alvaro paints mural with local kids.

By Clay Plager-Unger | January 10, 2008

January 10, 2008 Letter Hi Everyone, Things have been moving so quickly around here lately with the rains and the holiday season. I can’t believe how far behind I’ve fallen with my reports already. Everyday I say I’m going to do one and then a dozen things come up and the day is gone. (Rewiring the electricity in the house, getting kicked out of the […]

Removing the non-native species from the greenhouse.

By Clay Plager-Unger | December 14, 2007

December 10-14, 2007    Summary: I damaged my Meniscus while surfing in Canoa over the weekend and had to spend the week resigned to the house with a leg brace preventing me from bending my leg. Fortunately the volunteers kept up with all the work and more of them showed up this week, so now the house is full. On Monday the La Cruz vegetation site was […]

Reforestation at Cerro Blanco reserve is proof that large-scale dry tropical forest reforestation is possible.

By Clay Plager-Unger | December 7, 2007

December 3-7, 2007    Summary: The sole two volunteers this week, Caroline and Nadine, held down the fort with Revegetation Foreman Jaime for the first few days while I attended a seminar at Cerro Blanco, near Guayaquil, with Bioregional Education Teacher Ramon and Marcelo Luque. Ramon came and helped out on Friday to bolster our numbers. On Monday I took off for Guayaquil in the morning and […]

Greenhouse inventory.

By Clay Plager-Unger | November 30, 2007

November 26-30, 2007  This week it was time to say goodbye to the November crew and hello to the new December volunteers.  On Monday Dewey left, and on Tuesday Lilian, Michele and Matt departed.  Thanks for all of the help! Monday, with a somewhat reduced workforce due to volunteer traveling, we were only able to knock out watering the Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas and La […]

2007 Advanced Bioregional Class: Recycling

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | November 29, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Report #8 Advanced Bioregionalism EducationAutumn Session 2007 November 29th, 31st On Wednesday we met at our weekly spot in the city park. I began by asking what the students know about our topic of recycling and why they think it’s important. The different answers I got were: it reduces pollution and that we can take advantage of reusing materials that most people simply […]

2007 Advanced Bioregional Class: Natural Resources

By Ramon Cedeño Loor | November 23, 2007

Ramon’s Weekly Report #7 Advanced Bioregionalism EducationAutumn Session 2007 November 21st, 23rd This week began early on Wednesday because everyone wanted to watch the national selection soccer game and on Friday had a bit of an adventure. The theme for the week was Natural Resources.  Everyone had some idea of what these are, so I used the technique of a ‘rain of ideas,’ where everyone […]

Another new site ‘El Nuevo Globo.’

By Clay Plager-Unger | November 23, 2007

November 19-23, 2007 We began the week by welcoming a new volunteer Matt from Iowa and kicked things off with a much needed house cleanup. Then set out for the hills to water the Bosque en Medio de las Ruinas and La Cruz revegetation sites.  On Tuesday a traveler, Max, joined up for the day, and we showed him how to do things at Planet Drum […]