
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

On Earth Day, we did a beach cleanup and gave away trees.

By Heather Crawford | April 24, 2005

April 18 to 24, 2005 We planted trees at the Fernando site in Jorge Lomas, and at the Carlos Endara site. We have come to terms with old man Salazar (the other supposed owner of the Fernando site) for the time being. At the Endara site, we got some help from Dario, a nephew of Colombele (the tenant) who happened to be around. There are […]

We will plant as long as the rains continue.

By Heather Crawford | April 17, 2005

April 11 to 17, 2005 Well, it has definitely been raining this week! Saturday night there was an especially huge downpour. We will plant as long as the rains continue, but I am assuming not past April. Those plants which have been in the greenhouse since last rainy season I think we should donate to community groups if we can’t plant them all ourselves. Those […]

We hulled quite a few seeds this week.

By Heather Crawford | March 27, 2005

March 21st to 27th, 2005 Hello Peter, The new Bioregional Education Manager Kristen Lansdale’s visit went quite well. First she met with Renée and me to talk about how to get started with the education program and where to find resources. She also helped us plant trees at Inter-Americano Colegio, transplant seedlings at the greenhouse, and wash and cut plastic bottles from the university’s cafeteria. […]

Due to all the help, we were able to accomplish more.

By Heather Crawford | March 20, 2005

March 15th to 20th, 2005 We are doing fine according to our timeline. The Dairy Farm site was planted three times this week with the help of Carlos Franco (son), Andrea (Renée’s friend), two traveling volunteers from Quito, and two workers from Bella Vista who came because of the meeting I had with the Municipio’s agronomist working on the Bella Vista model community project. That […]

Eco-Bahia Becomes an Adult at the Age of Six

By Peter Berg | February 23, 2005

Bahia de Caraquez, Ecuador On the day of the sixth anniversary of its Ecological City Declaration, Bahia de Caraquez flashed bright signals of evolving its truly own version of urban sustainability. It was eco-semana (ecology week) with events in vernacular earmarks such as a night-time Carnaval pregon (parade) with some marchers painted as earth features and animals, a cleanup of Rio Chone beach, a tour […]

We are co-organizing a “Green Dance”.

By Renée Portanova | January 21, 2005

January 21, 2005 This week, January 17-21, we continued with our regular water maintenance of the sites and the greenhouse. Last week’s rain (although only a fraction of what is expected for this time of year) had a huge influence on the surrounding landscape. I was astonished to come back from Quito to a plush green covering where just a short time ago there was […]

2 Solar Energy Reports

By Riccardo Clemente and Ryan LeBrun | January 15, 2005

Report #1: Riccardo Clemente, Solar Energy Volunteer The solar hot water course has come to the end of the first part with successful results. Around 15-17 students participated, and about 7 students followed the entire course with enthusiasm and involvement. On Monday we started with a quick introduction on renewable energy, global warming and other negative effects of using fossil fuels. I went through the general principle […]

Ecuador Project Reports: Renée Portanova, Jan. 2005

By Renée Portanova | January 15, 2005

Renée Portanova, Field Project Manager   January 21, 2005 This week, January 17-21, we continued with our regular water maintenance of the sites and the greenhouse. Last week’s rain (although only a fraction of what is expected for this time of year) had a huge influence on the surrounding landscape. I was astonished to come back from Quito to a plush green covering where just a […]

Solar Energy Reports: Riccardo Clemente & Ryan LeBrun, Jan.-Mar. 2005

By Riccardo Clemente and Ryan LeBrun | January 15, 2005

Report #1: Riccardo Clemente, Solar Energy Volunteer The solar hot water course has come to the end of the first part with successful results. Around 15-17 students participated, and about 7 students followed the entire course with enthusiasm and involvement. On Monday we started with a quick introduction on renewable energy, global warming and other negative effects of using fossil fuels. I went through the general principle […]

Ecuador Project Report: Renée Portanova, Apr.–Dec. 2004

By Renée Portanova | December 31, 2004

Renée Portanova, Volunteer  April 17, 2004   Sorry for the delay, we had some electricity problems yesterday in Bahia. Just to clarify, do you think we should continue to plant the dry-tolerant species and transfer the others into larger sacks?  Is it possible to get burlap sacks rather than plastic bags…they are biodegradable and more organic than plastic? Attached is a detailed report of our activies for this past […]