
Collaboration for a Long-Term Sustainable City

Dia de los Arboles (Arbor Day).

By Brian Teinert | May 26, 2003

May 26, 2003 When the volunteers get here they will hit the ground running. We are going to work at the greenhouse, Fanca, the Universidad, etc. Over the past week I have visited all of our projects. At the universidad, I spoke with Horatio and the head of the biology department. We are finalizing our plans to work out the watering system and a workshop […]

Ecuador Project Reports: Brian Teinert, Jan.–May 2003

By Brian Teinert | May 26, 2003

Brian TeinertPlanet Drum Ecuador Staff January 26, 2003 Megan arrived on Thursday and is doing well. She enjoys the greenhouse project and has proved to be a good worker and a self-starter. The projects are going well, except for the fact that I have not received the worms. We are getting seedlings transplanted, we are finding seeds, and I am making new connections all of […]

A new revegetation project is being planned.

By Brian Teinert | May 19, 2003

May 19, 2003 I have had a few meetings this week with landowners. [A new revegetation project is being planned, this time on private, rather than public land.] Things are going well with the University [where a greenhouse has been built and plantings done to prevent erosion]. This week I have plans to work at the greenhouse, Fanca, the park, and the University. Since I […]

Watering should commence when we have an entire week with no rain.

By Brian Teinert | May 12, 2003

May 12, 2003 Things planned for this week include: several trips to Fanca to work on compost/worms, a meeting with Horatio from the Universidad to begin our planning, a meeting with the Maria Auxiliadora folks to discuss projects for June and July, maintenance at the greenhouse to get ready for new plants en masse, and a meeting at Jorge Lomas. On watering, maintenance and new […]

The residents of Fanca have set the streets to fire in a demonstration.

By Brian Teinert | May 5, 2003

May 5, 2003 Physically I am feeling much better. I was surprised at how long it takes to recover your energy after getting dengue fever. The soil in the greenhouse is still fresh. I have started a separate compost pile right there at the greenhouse, and have been taking our personal household waste. When it comes time to freshen the planting soil we will have […]

An interview on the radio for Earth Day.

By Brian Teinert | April 27, 2003

April 27, 2003  We have been planting because seedlings we have in the greenhouse need to be put in the ground this year. Luckily, we have had quite a bit of rain over the last week. We planted big, secondary level plants in the Bosque. If they take, we will have Guayacan, Fernan Sanchez, Achote and Cascol: four new species to add to the list. […]

Rain keeps the ants in check.

By Brian Teinert | March 26, 2003

March 26, 2003 Weather and Bug Report We are having one of the driest rainy seasons in recent history.  It has not rained in about  12 or 13 days.  I believe there were about 3 or 4 days of rain in all of March.  My sources confirm this.  Dust was in the air at the University site yesterday, as I gave a tour of our […]

Plant at a certain phase of the moon, the chance of insects bothering the trees goes down.

By Brian Teinert | February 27, 2003

February 27, 2003 The RAFE (Network for Agro-Forestry in Ecuador) meeting in Guayaquil went well. I met Eric in person and I made some other connections. I also received some good information on planting techniques based on the lunar calendar. I am going to do what I can to help RAFE. They want to form a regional branch composing of three provinces including: Manabi, Los […]

Guayaquil Green City 2003: an outline for bioregional action

By Peter Berg | February 21, 2003

(Summary of talk at Universidad Espiritu Santi, Campus Sambopondon, 7PM February 21, 2003.) Introduction Along with all of the technological advances of our time like computer and space technology, the most significant cultural change for our species in the last 15,000 years is taking place in this decade. Homo sapiens is becoming an urban species. In less than 5 years 50% of all the people on our […]

Acquiring native plants of the dry tropical forest has proved to be a challenge.

By Brian Teinert | February 20, 2003

February 20, 2003 Yesterday, we selected places to plant at M.A. Park and cleared them with machetes. We have algarrobo to plant, but they need a little more maturity. Stakes can go in now, but we don’t have much flat space that needs planting. I am planning to go to a vivero (greenhouse) in Portoviejo on Saturday with Ivan Iguirre in one of the Municipio […]