Cities: Salvaging the Parts
Circles of Correspondence (Regional Reports)
- Evelyn Lifsey—Black Hills
- Sheila Purcell—Samiland
- Artful Goodtimes—Rocky Mountains
- Vincent Corrigan—Klamath/Trinity Watershed
- Gary Lawless—North Atlantic Rim
- George Tukel—Passaic Watershed, an urban interview
- Peter Warshall—Sonoran Watershed, a talk
- John Stokes—South Australia
- Abioregional Comics, Leonard Rifas
- from Hammering it Out, Michael McClure (Aesthetics)
- Renewable Energy to Renew Society, Peter Berg (Natural Provision), a talk
- Cities: Salvaging the Party, Gary Snyder, Ernest Callenbach, Murray Bookchin and Morris Berman(Listening to the Earth)
- Decentralism, Is it Possible..? Jacques Ellul (Politics)
- No Guarantees, Tom Birch (Science & Ethics)
- Reinhabitory Mining, Brian Hill
- Rain Over Rain, Peter Blue Cloud.(San Juan Ridge Poem)
- for John Crane–PinesCove, Gary Lawless
Third World Ranch
Reviewed by Robert C. Watts
- Monterey Bay Area: Natural History and Cultural Imprints by Burton L. Gorden
- Endangered Harvest: The Future of Bay Area Farmlands by People for Open Space
- An Everyday History of Somewhere by Ray Raphael
Reviewed by Michael Helm
- Guatemala! The Terrible Repression and its Roots in the U.S. National Security State a special issue of Green Revolution
Planet Drum Update
Activities, how to get involved, items for sale, masthead
- Planet vs Global Mind, Michael Helm
- A Note from the Editor, Michael Helm
Michael Davidson, Hexacanthion Astercanthion, Nancy Eckel, Michael Myers, Nancy Von Stoutenberg
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